Amon fell to one knee as the gigantic form of the Elden Beast collapsed, letting out one final roar as its form turned to Runes.
Amon gasped as he stared at the place where its body was, the rush of adrenaline stopped, and he began to feel his injuries. Countless holes and cuts riddled his body caused by the Elden Beast's light and stars.
Amon promptly fell on his ass as his body gave out, Maliketh's Black Blade ā his favorite weapon hit the ground as he stared at the golden water under him as his vision filled with light.
He blinked repeatedly and found himself in a black void 'The end, just as in the game.' He thought, he wasn't from this world, he was in fact brought here 6 years ago.
His eyes found their mark on Queen Marika's beheaded stone corpse, but he stayed and sat.
'I don't want thisā¦ I'm sorry Melina' everyone he had come to love was dead, Melina left and now he was to become the ruler of these lands. The lands where EVERY single thing wanted him dead: the plants, even the air in Caelid.
The only reason he kept going was because this was his Maiden's wish for him.
He killed.
He killed and killed some more.
He defeated Gods, mortals and demigods.
Even the Frenzy of the Frenzied flame fell to his will, he used his body as kindling but kept his sanity, changing fate.
He was tired, the grip of death nothing more than an old friend after thousands of deaths.
"I refuse." He whispered as Marika's body turned to dust in response to his words. He stood up with a limp and prepared to teleport to the burning Roundtable Hold.
He wanted to say farewell to Hewg, his friend and mentor.
A small house with a fireplace would be nice.
Peace would be nice.
As he prepared to leave, he stopped, a blue screen appeared in front of him, the same blue screen that brought him here.
He gripped his sword as he read the message.
[Begin a new Journey?]
A new journey, what next? Warhammer 40k?
But you know what? Another adventure had its appeal. Frankly, meeting actual people overshadowed his need for rest immediately.
He smiled slightly, a new journey, huh?
Hewg would have to wait a bit.
He closed his eyes and inwardly accepted as his body disappeared.
Amon grunted as he fell through the air into a pile of some sorts, he slowly got out of it, as he glanced back, it was a pile of trash.
Ā He smiled lightly, he was used to waking up on mountains of corpses but not so much on trash.
He turned around as he took in the place he was in, 'A city underground?' he wondered, the city had a green glow, the air was thick but quite nice compared to the burning smell of bodies in the Lands Between.
The next moment he noticed the hundreds of people walking around, casting suspicious and scared glances directed at his gigantic sword and armor as music assaulted his ears.
The running of children mixed with the music as he stood still, listeningā¦ he had missed this, the sound of life.
His burning yellow eyes looked around as he spotted a giant building in the middle of this road.
He walked slowly, but kept looking around, his instincts didn't let him relax, even if he was feeling good, excited even.
He walked closer to the building.
[The Last Drop]
'Interesting,' he thought as he reached it and pushed open the door.
"Get out, we're closed." A bartender glared at him as he returned to speaking to another man sitting near his table.
"Can I have a drink please?" Amon asked as he put his sword in the inventory.
"ā¦" he saw the man's fists clench slightly.
"Let him in Vander." He heard a woman's voice to his left. She was beautiful with blue hair as she put on some music.
She sat near the table as she spoke to the other man. The bartender nodded finally after taking a moment.
Amon sighed in relief as he walked in and closed the door, the bartender raised an eyebrow as he took in his armor.
He sat on a chair near the table, as he heard the woman's voice. "You're bleeding."
"I am."
"And that's something normal?" she smirked lightly as she grabbed a tissue.
"No need, I will heal. This is but a scratch." Amon spoke as he pushed back her arm, blood dripped from his wounds.
The bartender made him a drink and put it on the table as Amon looked at it.
He took off his helmet and put it on a nearby chair, the bags under his eyes were prominent same as the stench of battle.
He took a sip of the drink.
He gulped it down in one go.
Another disappeared the same.
This repeated for 6 times as the bartender laughed, "That's enough, I don't want you painting this joint in yellow."
Amon frowned; he wanted more.
The other man grinned, "Quite the drinker we have here."
"Name's Amon." Amon spoke as he bowed slightly.
They stayed quiet for a moment until Vander broke the silence, "So what's with the armor?"
"I'm a warrior, painful memories." Amon looked down at the table.
The woman, now known as Felicia, smiled and stood up, as she walked behind him and started massaging his neck.
Amon folded under pressure.
He collapsed on the table and groaned as she loosened her muscles.
He hadn't felt a comforting touch in years.
She stopped and sat down as they laughed at his slumped form.
"Why did you do that?" He asked the woman without turning.
"You seemed stressed." She spoke and shrugged.
Ā He finally straightened and smiled lightly, "Thank you, haven't had a drink that good in 6 years."
"No problem." Vander nodded as he looked at him with pity.
"I will not forget your kindness." Amon spoke as he reached behind him and pulled out a [Golden rune (10)], it had lost the glow of runes but was still a large chunk of gold and that had to be worth something.
He slid it across the table as they stared at him.
'Is gold not worth much here?' Amon wondered inwardly.
"Iā¦ do you comprehend just how much this is worth?"
"I doā¦ is it not enough? I have more." Amon spoke and reached behind, but Silco stopped his hand, "That's more than enough, thank you."
"Thank you again." Amon stood up and put on his helmet as he began walking out.
"You're welcome!" Vander shouted as Amon stopped, "Say, you know a place I could stay for some time?"
"There's an inn called 'the dump' nearby, it's safe." Felicia spoke.
Amon nodded and exited The Last Drop, he would remember this as his first interaction in this adventure.