- I'll be leaving the island in a week. And you, what do you want to do?
I ask them the question, trying to stay as natural as possible.
- I'm not forcing you to do anything. You can very well go on living the same life, eating with the old man and exchanging jokes and continuing your work in town. Only, if ... if ever, you ... you wanted to come, then ... that ... that would help me a lot ...
I who wanted my invitation to pass like a letter in the mail, I finally stumbled over all the words. The speech I gave them smacked of embarrassment and jitters.
- I'm coming! I'm going to sea with you, Law. I studied the methods of navigation, I became stronger thanks to my feet-fist techniques, and it's been a long time that I think of going "someday" in search of my big brother ... But you know me, I lack character and I will never decide to take the plunge. That's why it's now or never! With you! To accomplish the goals I have set for myself!
At these words, I let out a small smile. To hear Bepo confess to me all that he has on his heart fills me with joy.
- I'm also going!
- Same for me!
Penguin and Shachi answer me in turn, suddenly.
- After the death of our parents, Shachi and I fell very low ... But thanks to Wolf and to you, we regained a taste for life, and today we enjoy every day. Only, Law, your words have more than aroused my curiosity! Just thinking about what awaits us outside this island, beyond the seas, I already can't stand still! This is why I decided to accompany you!
- Me, it's the same as for Penguin. How to say? At the end of our fight against Boackenno, when we defeated him, I felt so good! So of course, I was scared and I knew that the slightest mistake would cost us our lives, but I finally understood that I too could do great things! It is for this reason that I want to go on an adventure! With you guys. And meet that something that will change my life!
Penguin and Shachi's lyrics come straight from the heart, there's no doubt about it. Reason why I have no other choice than to believe in them.
- Alright, I know I can count on you.
See everything I say.
- How do we do it for the boat? Penguin asks me.
- I'll go get one in town.
- You might as well not do things halfway and take a big one straight away! One of those who can accommodate a hundred sailors!
- Like we had enough money. A small boat will be more than enough for the four of us.
We then continue to discuss at length about the ship of our dreams.
"But tell me, Law," Shachi calls out in a small voice. Wolf is going to find himself all alone, right?
- Too bad for him. He has his own goals to accomplish. And life is also about learning to leave those you love. There's nothing we can do about it.
- If you say so...
No matter how I speak, I have as much vagueness in my soul as Shachi. But at the same time, I feel it, I must not remain captive of this kind of feeling. We then go to Wolf's room to tell him that we will all be leaving the island. "Ah, okay" are his only words. Then I go back to my own room and fall asleep without thinking about anything.
The following week unfolds like all the others. We get up in the morning, have breakfast all together, then Wolf goes to work in his lab and we in town. After making our respected colleagues aware of the current circumstances, we work twice as hard to thank them for all they have done for us. In the evening, we go home, heckle like crazy again, and go to bed, exhausted. During this week, no one talks about piracy. At the very most, we buy a cheap wooden ship, to take to the sea. Wolf, Bepo, Penguin, Shachi and I make the most of every moment we spend together laughing and arguing over trifles, like that. has been the case so far.
The day before our departure, Wolf summons us to his laboratory. We go there after finishing our working day and saying goodbye to all those who have taken so much care of us.
- Ah, there you are.
- What do we owe the honor of being summoned here? Ah! Don't tell me you're planning to use us for one of your weird experiences before we set sail ?!
- Idiot! Do you take me for a mad scientist, or what ?! Come on, follow me, instead of telling shit!
We descend the stairs after him and arrive in the cave. Once the lights are on, we see the yellow submarine moored in the same place as the last time. For a machine having smashed the earth in two in order to enter the temple, I find the hull in relatively good condition.
At this point, I realize that something has changed about his appearance.
A large skull, this symbol that pirates proudly wear, is drawn on its fuselage.
- What...
Impossible for me to hide my astonishment.
- Mister Junk, what does that mean ?!
- Sitting at the table in the middle of the night, you often think of a symbol for your pirate flag, right?
- Co ... How do you know that?
- Hmm, nothing could be easier. I found several of your drafts in the trash. In the discreet genre, we do better. I also know that on this symbol, precisely, you wrote in red: "Adopt!"
- Wow, seriously ... But that's not the problem! I ask you why this symbol is drawn on your submarine ?!
Wolf smirked at me.
- A pirate ship without the symbol that goes well, it's not very chic, is it?
- Eh?
- Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, I ask you to accept this ship. Originally, I built and equipped this submarine with the idea of going on new adventures. This is why I would like you to take it with you, so that maybe you can make part of my dream come true.
- You ... are you sure?
- Pooh! I don't want to have a bad conscience when I hear one day that you died because your wooden boat sank. Take this as a gift from me.
The service he is rendering us is too great. How are we going to pay it off someday? But for now, I tell myself that it is our duty to accept his gesture of benevolence.
- OK, if that makes you happy. We cannot refuse the request of an old man at the end of his life.
- That's it, make fun of yourself. But know that I still have fifty years at least! Until then, focus on not ending up in fish food!
- Kah kah kah kah! Wolf ends with a laugh.
The eyes sparkling with joy, Shachi, Bepo and Penguin do not take their eyes off the submarine.
- Now that the inventor of genius that I am has entrusted you with his masterpiece, you have a duty to become perfect pirates aboard "Hanamaru the invin ..."
- It's devide, we'll call it "Polar Tang"!
I cap Wolf at the pole and propose the first name that crosses my mind without letting him finish his sentence.
- Too classy!
- Awesome!
- It rocks!
Big success for my proposal.
- Band of wretches !! How dare you baptize "Hanamaru the invincible" with such a name ... also ... aaah ... no, nothing. After all, it's your machine, do what you want with it. Um, "Polar Tang" ... Yeah, not so bad for a kid ...
A half-annoyed, half-cheerful expression floats over Wolf's face.
- Thanks, Mister Junk, we'll make good use of it.
- You're welcome. I am counting on you to show the greatness of my genius to the whole world.
With these beautiful words, we join our fists.
The day of departure arrives.
I open the curtains, it's not snowing and I see the sun up in the sky. A perfect day to go to sea. Many inhabitants must be present to wish us good luck. We all have breakfast together, as usual, and then leave the house. Then we go to the laboratory where we board the "Polar Tang" so that Wolf teaches us the basics of piloting, before transporting the ship to Pleasure Town where we submerge it. Along the way, we leave the submarine to greet the inhabitants one last time. Contrary to all expectations, Rad is the one who cries the most.
- Bouaaah! These little moms who have become so strong are about to go on an adventure! I don't care if it was to become pirates! I have never been so moved by my life!