"Ma, I'm not a child anymore.", Melanie said while freeing her mother's grip on her.
By this time, the recent bedridden woman who was now on her feet was left speechless. Her daughter's tone was questionable.
"A war is brewing and it's bitter...."
"But I am a soldier..."
"No you're not!", Melanie's mother now calmly said, "You don't have to do this. You don't have to follow that stupid prophecy."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look, this war is beyond you. You don't have to impress anyone. I can't loose you too."
"Okay, everybody take a deep breath.", Ampofo tried to calm the women.
Darko wasn't really minding them much, .A., now that she wasn't in the spotlight left for the kitchen for food. Lucy looked around with a surprised face. She didn't see .B. come in with them. That girl has disappearing a lot lately.
They were still quarrelling. Melanie's mother still wasn't making sense, Melanie herself couldn't believe her own mother thought she was incapable and Ampofo seemed to try very hard to get on the older woman's good side.
The argument still went on until someone started to scream. It sounded like Afia.B. The soldiers all rushed outside in a state of emergency. Lucy looked in the eye of the crazy woman and sternly told her to not move a away from the room. The woman was quite terrified.
"Mel, don't leave me here. They're coming."
But Melanie just couldn't. She shook her head and left with the rest of them.