Harry: what did you think?
Chris: idea is good but we need location to search for then decide till then we can do ingredients busy.
Harry: OK, I will also ask to look for and put together and decide the location.
Horse is like you guys are not paying attention to me and not taking care for me.
Harry: sorry buddy and called his works to take care of it.
Roy called kevin and told him that he will be handling sports department was sent to sport department from today this on sport department will be under control till Harry project started office department leader will be helping him with the stuff and he need to assess the staff and control all the three teams and get the things running. You have learnt sufficient and you know how to handle money ask for the Budget by end of month by going through the records and ask for 50% more for the investing in rehab.
Kevin understood his uncle though and said yes got it uncle.
Kevin and asked for a floor for sport department and hospital to cooperation for check ups documents anytime for the players.
Roy's looked at Kevin and said ok.
Kevin happy left the to his room asked assistant Ken ask them to arrange the set of equipment for me in the Baseball and Basketball team by end of the next month. Get the list of talented or skilled players who is injured and their current age is 30 and below list. Start taking over the department.
Ken went passed down the order and asked them prepare the list before department leader leaving.
Ken coming back said we can go home.
Next day
Kevin: lets go but seeing kevin not in the office wear.
Ken: Is it ok?
Kevin: No problem.
Kevin reached of office and asked about the team manages who is heading the each team after listening to the manages problems and what there takes are.
Kevin called for department meeting. Started drawing on board seeing all the everyone in the room I want two groups. One is for team, other is for stadium.
Stadium department will handle all the construction requirements and operation of the land for commercial use and need to check with team department if it is pitch or seating and I want no security issues into owned land of the stadium.
Team department I have asked for hospital cooperation document check which hospital best in the within 50 miles area for the stadium but near the better but should be best if not we will invest one while cooperating with others. Each player should get full physical check up before and after the season. Get the best fitness trainer or team in the industry if no one then make let's make them from university itself. Now, to the players i want all player you guys to go and speak with all players who are 30 and below injured to be invited by the staff if superstar age 33 and below to be invited by the leaders of department unless their baned by the league. The players are interested to play even a role player them. I will invite them but i need video recording of this one. I need like this I Kevin Hearthstone, age 14, accept the offer or thanks for the offer. you guys shaking hands and says thanks for the reply.
These are the hard rules can't be crossed unless it ordered personally by me or till I am leading this department.
Everyone: yes, director.
Kevin: good expect for the team manages rest can go and Ken I need separate team list to be prepared when I come to office tomorrow if we are not shifting the location if yes, day after tomorrow.
Ken: I will follow up.