Nana: (Clashes his sword with that of another)Is this really all that you've got.?
Zuzu:(Jumps back) Okay, now I'm gonna take this seriously.(Raises his sword,engulfing it in a red energy) Crimson Strike! ( He shouts as he sends an arc of energy towards Nana)
Nana:(Smirks) That's more like it.(Drops his sword and immediately dashes at the attack) Limit Breaker!(He shouts as his whole body gets enveloped in lightning) Storm-Chaser.(Summons a blade made of pure lightning , which he uses to cleave through Zuzu's attack, and charges towards him)
Zuzu: Sweet.(Imbues his body in the same red energy as he did with his sword earlier as he charges towards Nana)
(As the two friends met in the center, they engaged in a series of blow exchanges, as they continued Nana seemed to get the upper hand as he dodged a blow from Zuzu and he happened to land a strike on Zuzu, square in the chest)
Zuzu: (Bends over in pain) F**k!
Nana:(Immediately sends Zuzu flying with a kick to the face) Come on, u can't be done.(Dashes to where Zuzu was about to crash) Show me more oh red knight (Takes up a stance)
Zuzu: (As he is flying seemingly unconscious towards Nana)
Nana: (Raises his fist) Oh well, seems I win this round.(Charges up an attack with lightning) Thunder strike! (Throws a punch)
Zuzu: (Opens his eyes) Not so fast,(bends his body out of the way of the incoming attack.( Feels his power body part with is red energy) Crimson sky-shot! (Sends Nana flying in trees as soon as his foot comes into contact with Nana's face) And scene ( says as he lands gracefully)
Nana: (laying on the ground unconscious)...
Zuzu: ( scratching the back of his head) I think I might have over done it.
?: You are quite strong( says a dark and mysterious voice)
Zuzu: (Takes a stance as he burs his body in red energy) Who are you guys.
Verus: (Smiling) I am Verus, and these are Metris, Verto,Lita and Greek,and we are here to eliminate all members of the otaku kingdom.
Zuzu: (wakes Nana up) but isn't two to five a little bit unfair.
Metris:(Steps forward) Not to us, u will all die anyway so it doesn't matter how.
(FLASH BACK) Two months ago
Zuzu: So what you saying is that, you think the next boss we face won't be a single being but instead multiple bosses.
Edward: Yes, and based on how the last boss fight went they would probably go for the admins first as an attempt to weaken our morale, it's a common war tactic.
Jet: ( With eyes as lazy as ever) And that's when I come in (sits up right) right?
Edward: Exactly, like the last boss, these beings don't really regard humans as powerful beings so am sure they will accept a one on one, so we would really need an arena)
Zuzu: I don't know why you are after us or who sent you. (Looks over at Nana)
Nana: (Smiling) But why not make things a little bit fun.
Verus: (With a hint of sarcasm) What a foolish way to die, but nonetheless I shall humor a dying man's last request.
(An Arena)
Nana: So I will be the one you shall be dueling with.
Verto: Fret not, for I shall make your death quick and painless ( says confidently as she enters the arena)
Nana: I look forward to that.(Takes a fighting stance)
Edward: All weapons are allowed, no restriction of any kind, a winner is chosen when his/her opponent surrender or die.(Smiles at Verus) You may begin!
(No sooner than Edward end his statement did both fighters charge at each other at light speed, Clashes fisting in the center of the arena)
Verto: You are strong, for a human that is. (smiles)
Nana: Oh, I'm flattered (he says sarcastically)
Verto: Then again, ( grabs Nana's head, smashing it into the ground of the arena) you are still only human.
Nana: Agh! (He lets out as he coughs out blood)
Verto: I don't know why I expected any thing ng fun from a human.( Throws him into the air) I guess that's my fault.(Jumps and strikes Nana in the gut, piercing him with her hand)
Everyone: (Shocked)
Zuzu: Stop fooling around and take this serious! (He shouts at Nana)
Nana: (Appears behind Verto) I was just testing my foe, u are too serious sometimes Zuzu.
Verto: (Dumbfounded) How! (Tries turning around to face Nana)
Nana: Sorry ma lady. ( Grabs her face) I was just testing you, nothing personal, but I think it's time u take a nap (Creates a beasts hand with his lightning on his hand which was grabbing Verto by the face) Limit Breaker: Falling Dragon Claw (Slams Verto deep into the ground, creating a hole that cover over fifty percent of the arena) That was powerful, but I don't think that would be enough t...( Dodges a fist)
Verto: You really are a fast one, I will give you that.(Gets up) For lasting this long, and amusing of course (releases a jungle amount of pressure onto Nana) I shall show you my true power.Please so try to entertain me more before you perish.
Nana: (Surrounds his body with lightning) I will do best. (Attempts to kick Verto with a quick dash)
Verto: You can do better than that. (Catches Nana's foot) Hold on tight. (Throws Nana towards the ground)
Nana: Thanks for the heads-up ( Uses his hands to ease his fall)
Verto: Good boy (Goes for an attack)
Nana: ( Dodges) I'm sorry but you will have to try harder ( Lands a kick on Verto sending her flying)
Verto: (Smiling) Keep it coming.
Nana: Oh how can I say no after u asked so politely (says as he keeps kicking her)
Verus: You should say your good byes to your friend.( Says facing Edward)
Edward: Are you blind? Cant you see Nana is winning this. (Turns to face Verus)
Verus: Verto's power allows her to grow with the the more damage she takes, even surpassing me at times.
Edward: She will die before th...( Hears a dreadful scream, which makes him turn to face the arena)
Verto: You were quite the using worm.(She says as she towers Nana with his blood on her face)
Nana: Damn it ( he says as he holds his broken leg and hand)
Verto: Let me put an end to your suffering human.(Goes in for a strike) It was n...(Coughs out blood) What's this sorcery? (Gets punched straight into the ground)
Edward: Starts to laugh like maniac)
Verus: What is this black magic? (Gets up in anger)
Edward: Hold your horses d******h. This is all Nana's doing, a technique he perfected for you bosses, remember the first attack he uses, well it doubles every tens seconds eventually killing its target only stopping when that happens or when Nana dies.
Verus: (Turns to Verto) Quick Verto end him th...( Stops him shock as he witness his comrade fade away) Verto...
Edward: You came prepared to end us, no lion hunts without knowing he could be hunted at anytime.
Metris: ( Walks over to Verus) I shall avenge my sister, I swear it.
Verus: (Stays silent as Metris goes into the arena)
Edward: As I said earlier, everything goes, you may now commence.(Says as he looks over at Verus)
Verus: I needn't of your pity human, I know we shall be victorious and end you all.
Edward: For what it's worth we never wanted to fight you guys.
Ty: ( Summons countless fire balls surround Metris) Please surrender
Metris: I hold no grudge against you kind for what be fell my sister. (Takes a stance) But I simply can not surrender after she laid her life for our course.(Charges towards Ty)
Ty: I understand ( she says with a disappointed expression) Raining Star (Sends all the fire balls at Metris, resulting in an explosion)
Metris: ( Walks out of the explosion undamaged) Surely you take me not for a weakling like my sister.
Ty: Figured.(Raises one hand) Nitro boost (Instantly sending her towards Metris, grabbing her face while smashing her through the ground)
Metris: (Still undamaged)
Ty: (Shocked) You really are a tough cookie aren't you? (Let's go of Metris as she jumps into the air) Sorry but I have to end things here.
Metris: Bring it.(Jumps towards Ty)
Ty: Falling Nova.( Calls forth a fire so grand it fills the whole arena instantly) May your sould rest in peace.( She says as she sends the attack towards Metris, resulting in an explosion more fierce the first)
Metris: (In the smoke) You do know what this means right?
?: Of course I do.( The smoke settles)
Ty: Panda! what you doing here?( She starts to blush)
Panda: ( Carrying Ty) I'm here to save you of course ( He smiles at Ty)
Metris: You should thank him( she says as she walks away)
Panda: (Stands there with a gigantic hole in his chest) She needn't. I would have done it again and again in a heart beat.( He smiles as the hole slowly heals)
Ty: What happened to you?( she asks as she depends from Panda's arms)
Panda: oh this? It was a s a result of Metris attack
Ty: Wait what?
Panda: Yeah, she seemed to be immune to all element based attacks.( He explains to her as they both walk out of the arena)
Edward:(Smiling) So that was why her molecules looked weird).
Verus: You do say the most interesting things.
Edward: Yeah, so I have been told.( He laughs out)Well I guess it's time for the third fight)
Zuzu: Edward, I'm truly sorry, but I can't after seeing how Ty almost died. (Snaps his finger, which instantly teleports all the bosses to the arena next to him) Jet now!
Jet: Yeah whatever.( Throws a a disc which creates a force field around the arena) You know until they die or you die the shield can't be undone
Zuzu: Of course, I plan to end it all here and now.(Shoots Jet a faint smile)
Verus: You sure have courage I would say. (Raises his right hand pulling in all of his companions, fusing with them)
?: But now u surely, now all hope for you is over.(Says the fused entity)
Zuzu: So now what should I call?
Vitrk: I am Vitrk and I shall be y...(Gets grabbed by the head by Zuzu)
Zuzu: I asked for a name,(Smashes Vitrk head into the ground)and not an intro speech.(Throws Vitrk into the air)Aura control! (Jumps over Vitrk) Crimson sky!!!(Send a seemly infinite barrage of red spears at Vitrk)
Vitrk:(Smashes into the arena as the barrages stop)...
Zuzu: Really, is this the best, I guess all that big talk was a...(Gets punched in the stomach almost instantly as he lands, sending him flying into the outline of the force field, spreading his blood all over it) FUCK!!!
Vitrk: U stood no chance from the beginning, worry not, I shall end it soon.(Grabs Zuzu blood covered body)
Zuzu: You are weaker than expected.( Spits on Vitrk's face)
Vitrk:(Visible angry) You arrogant mortal, I shall make u suffer beyond your worst nightmare (Instantly begins to smash Zuzu's body with his fist right after saying those words)
(Outside the force field)
Nana:He is gonna die inside there.
Jet: I know, but there is nothing we can do.
Edward:(Jumps on top of the force field) Yo, Zuzu I'm giving you five minutes, if u don't kill him, I'm gonna jump in and end it myself)
Jet: It's u Breakable genius, how u gonna get in.(He says in a sarcastic tone)
Edward: Who says anything about breaking in.(Smirks)
(Inside the force field)
Vitrk: (Stops punching Zuzu) I fear you friend can't hear u.(Says as he laughs at Zuzu on the floor with all his bones broken)
Zuzu: (Red dark energy begin to oze out of his body)...
Vitrk: (In a state of shock) What's this?
Zuzu:( Gets up)...
Vitrk: Impossible! What kind of sorcery have u given yourself into!
Zuzu: Sure, five minutes is more than enough time for me to end him. (Says as the red energy begin to dense up around his body)Come forth, Crimson Knight!!!(He says as Crimson armor appears on his body him from head to toe)
Vitrk: Preposterous! No human can exude that's make energy, what are you. Are you even hum...(Gets punched in the guts soo hard he vomits out mouth load of blood immediately)
Zuzu: (Towering over Vitrk) You are just weak (He says with disgust)
Vitrk: Me... weak....(Starts to lose control as he pours a lot of energy) Shut up, you just a human, what do you know! ( Summons a sword) Die! (He shouts as he thrust his sword at Zuzu)
Zuzu: Too slow (Effortlessly dodges the attack,then creates a crimson blade of his own) Let put an end to your pitiful life.(Drops his sword and uppercuts Vitrk)
Vitrk: (Is sent flying in pain) Agh!
Zuzu: Hold on little one.(Grabs Vitrk's leg before he could fly away) Let's make this quick okay.(Uses his other hand to pick up his sword, and the with a fierce strike slashes Vitrk in two)
Vitrk:(Cut in half yet manages to put on a Shocked expression)
Zuzu: (Turns around and begins to walk away) May your soul rest in peace.
Vitrk: You foolish human if I die, I die with u.(Both sliced up halves jumps at unsuspecting Zuzu)
Zuzu:(Slowly turns around in shock) Damn I should have finished it I can't make it in time.(He thinks to himself)
Edward: And that's five minutes.(Falls into the arena, grabbing Vitrk faces and smashing both into the ground)
Vitrk: You won't stop me now.
Zuzu: No Edward get back!
Edward: Molecular Reshift:Dust.
Vitrk: What the f...(Turns to dust)
Zuzu: Thanks.( Untransform) You really are something you know.(Smiles as he falls unconscious and falls down)
Edward:(Catches him) You did well my friend.
(Outside the arena)
Everyone else: Zuzu! (They all rush to the aid of their friends)
∆§√π§√: Congratulations, boss defeated,every citizen alive gets five start boost and all physical injuries are healed.Now you kingdom shall be known by others who may either want to form alliances or conquer yours so please grow stronger to survive,bye.
Edward: (Whispers in Daemon's ears) Call Kazy and Pakye back from their mission, the otaku need their second place and third place strongest fighters back.
Daemon: Sure.(Leaves)
Nana: (Approached Edward) Do you think we can hold up till they get here?
Edward:Of course, we have you and everyone else.( He says with confidence)
Nana: (Smiling) We also have you.