How much time had passed?
Atham couldnt Tell the thing dissapeared and he was still lying under rocks.
The warmth on his was face was already hardend and the only thing left was a blood crust.
He spat on the ground
" absolute bullshit this really really is great "
His voice echoed trough the building.....
even though it was a bad idea to even move,
while he didnt know if that thing was still around smowhere....
he just needed to talk or else he felt like his troath might dry out.
How much longer would he be stuck here?
His bickering wouldnt accomplish anything he knew how helpless it was..
He needed to take Action or his fate would be sealed in the long run.
He looked down analyzing the situation.
He was in some weird dream world which he couldnt wake up from, there are weird Monster things here that want to kill him and his lower body was stuck beneath 2 big rocks....
It was really hopeless
What was he supposed to do now?
Well he would try to move the stones if he wasn't that weak from the attack by the thing.....
" Okay no I cant just call it thing anymore "
In his mind anything with a name was less threatening and already analysed to a degree.
Schlamm is a good name matches its aesthetik atleast.
" I should rest if thats the most I can do right now "
With that he got himself in a relaxed Position ignoring the pain that was emiting from his legs..
After some time had passed he couldnt bear it anymore.
" This really isnt the life "
So much happend in just 2 days and that was overwhelming him to the core.
He couldnt just wait here any longer could he?
There was a faint thud...
And another one..
Atham flinched at the noise trying to make out where it came from.
It came steadily similar to steps but he couldnt be sure not in this world with Instances of Schlamm running around freely.
He was quiet trying to take up any potential noise and pinpoint what it was.
It was quiet for some seconds.
Why was it quiet now..
His thoughts raced not coming to a real conclusion.
The thuds became louder as if walking into his direction but they suddenly became quieter again.
This continued it was getting louder and more quiet as if a horizontal hallway was infront of him and something was walking it up and down.
But no he checken the building when he came inside there was only a staircasegoing upwards and nothing more.
Atham really started to question his own mentality at this point.
Was he going insane?
The thuds now became louder again and in an instant the door flew open.
There was a man standing in the frame he looked like a solider with the green protective armor and a gun in his hand.
Before Atham could even say anything the solfier already pointed the firearm at him.
" Well you See I dont know if that would help the situation if I'd do that "
The soldier looked at him confused before eventually noticing the rocks.
He came up to him and crouched down beside where his legs theoretically should be
" What is your name? "
Atham scoffed at the question
" Pritzrakov "
Wait what.. what did he say?
How did he come up with the directory name now?
Well guess its better then using his real name.
" only Pritzrakov? "
" Sevra Pritzrakov "
" okay Mr. Pritzrakov then Tell me how you got into this situation " The soldier spoke calmly
Atham observed the soldier more firmly now he Seemeilen more calm not that he Seemeilen to understand that Atham didnt Pose a treath to him.
" No Tell me your name first and who even are you? "
The questions where poppig up in Athams head why was there a soldier here?
In his supposidly dream world..
And troughout he looks like he got straight from a battlefield..
What a Disaster this is..