The humans who battle otherworldly creatures, who are called "intruders" are commonly called "hounds"
The name originated from the fact that they guard earth from these intruders, just like a dog guarding their owners home. The word hunter does not fit, since they do not pursue the intruders into their habitat or home, but combat them once they breach the existing reality to intrude into to earth.
Hounds can be ranked in two different ways, with the first one beeing used for expiditions into unexplored corners of earth or when the enemy is not known and the second one, when the scope of an operation or mission is clear.
The first ranking is based of different achievements, mainly the exploration of unknown territor and documentation and battles with "intruders" be it in teams or solo.
The second way is more straightforward and does not favor expirience but strength, battling in different arenas against other hounds and directly increasing their ranking this way.
Intruders are ranked on danger levels, which are:
code white(civilians can deal with it)
code grey( armed personell like the police can deal with it)
code bue(any hound is required)
code red(only certain hounds can deal with it)
code black(only high ranked hounds are able to combat it)
code hope(run and pray)
code despair(kill yourself)