My wolf was literally going against what I wanted; she was getting too jumpy around him. And it annoyed me.
This was my thoughts as I tasted the steak, it was so good. The way Jared stared at me, he expected a review.
"How's it? Do you like it?" he uttered staring at me curiously. I smiled politely, this was the bare minimum I could do.
"It's not bad," I said those words hoping he'd drop the conversation.
"Your favourite part?" he stated cutting a part of his meal and placing it on my plate. I just hoped everyone came soon so it wasn't this way between us.
I looked around embracing the next silence between us. "So what have you been up to before you came to this pack?" he asked.
I knew where this was going, he was trying to know if I had my powers now. It was a blatant no, it came sometimes back but I didn't know what to do about it so I gave up and it left again.