Chereads / The RETRIEVAL / Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 9 -- A STRANGE DREAM


CHAPTER 9 – A strange dream

"Uh yeah because why are you lying about it being love at first sight when it was the second sight" I replied with zero hesitancy and a straight face ruining the moment

He looked mad because I ruined the moment but after a while he calmed down and continued the talk about Isadora, his love at second sight

"So now that I know these feelings are love one hundred percent, I'll propose to her someday..."

I really wanted to ask when that someday will come but I did not because what if it ruined the moment again

"Someday when I'm the general I'll marry her we will hav- have 2 chi- chi- children"

His face was bright red saying that he stuttered thrice in that sentence which he has never did before even while telling the most brutal tales

Before I knew it the night had come, and it was time to sleep Kenji was talking so much I lost the track of time

I that night tried to summon Pure Fury, but it did not respond well I still did not think much of that too and I went to sleep

DAY 19 as an inmate

I had the same strange dream today as well it was still blur and the concept was the same as before I was killing a person,

I wonder why I was killing a person in a dream first that dream about that black figure and then this dream about murder?

Something seems off but well not much I can do about that so better not to think about that

The rest of the day was the same as yesterday we talked about love my opinions got rejected, I do not see why abducting her is a bad idea but

Well, its Kenji's will in the end that matters so not much I can do about it

I went to sleep the same as yesterday

Day 20

I again had that same dream but this time the location was quite similar I killed someone in this cell

It is just a casual strange dream? Could be something like a form of regret after killing Thaddeus

The rest of the day was quite similar except the fact that Kenji had started telling me about his training

DAY 31

Again, that same dream of me killing someone now that the location of where I killed whomever that was is clear

These past days have been so weird just thinking that I will kill someone sends a shiver down my spine

Now Kenji is strong if what he says is true and he told me he met Isadora today nothing that happened between them it is just that

He for once had a proper talk with her and she remembers him this is good since Kenji remembers her as well, I wish they end up together

DAY 125

This strange dream has become somewhat 'normal' for me I feel like I would feel like something is missing in the day I do not have that dream

I don't know much but recently the face shape has been slightly recognizable I partially recognize it is it...

Kenji...? No, it can't be Kenji and why am I paying so much attention to a dream? Why is this dream chasing me?

The rest of the day was not that interesting, as usual I talked with Kenji and then hear about his progress in his love life go to sleep

Day 231

That strange dream won't leave me alone I can't ignore this anymore I feel like shit I feel like a murderer

The simple thought of killing someone is killing me I wish this would end I feel nausea after waking up this is killing me

I need this to end I feel like a fucking murderer every fucking day I feel like I should kill myself to be freed from this fucking cycle of this dream

I don't even feel like myself anymore just because of a dream? I hate dreams I want to become a better person and then this fucking dream reminds me that

I am a murderer every fucking day I convince myself what I did to Thaddeus was self-defense I would rather die than kill another person

Every day I try my hardest to act normal this is making me so fucking sick I feel like the biggest liar to ever exist

To lie about my feelings everyday laugh it off with Kenji? Am I even laughing anymore this dream makes me sick of myself

Kenji has been accepted for the soldier position he is using his every connection to become a general

I can't trouble him by my own fucking problems, can I? He is going to try something of a test

By the authorities and then become an honorary knight if things go well and in about a year if he show's astounding results he might get selected for the general's position

He can talk to Isadora normally now I feel proud of him he and Isadora are good friends if what he says is true at least

Day 300

I had that strange dream again I am going to fucking kill myself if I have this strange dream tomorrow, I hope I don't live to see tomorrow if this fucking dream is waiting for me

Kenji told me about a festival today that day will be a holiday for the prison guards and the inmates will be tightly locked up and won't even get food that day

This is a surprise Kenji also told me that he will get to meet Isadora that day and his honorary knight test is also 7 day's before that so he might even be

An honorary knight the day of the festival this year this is making me feel so good

I went to sleep happily that night

DAY 366

The dream was truly clear today I grabbed the person looking like Kenji I knew it was a dream, and he wasn't Kenji, so I grabbed him by the jaw

And ripped his tooth out I took out my anger on that Kenji-lookalike the blood was on my hands this was the first time I killed this person so brutally I felt relaxed

I stood there waiting for the dream to end I wonder why it's taking so long today usually this would end as soon as I would kill the person

I stood still just standing there the thought never crossed my mind

I stood there like a moron

I stood there looking like an idiot

I stood there like a failure

I stood there looking like a fucking child in denial

I stood there like a fucking man in denial

I stood there like a murdered in denial

No, I stood there like a fucking murderer

I had realized then the person I killed was not a look-alike it was Kenji himself this was not a dream I wish this was a dream

"I wish this is a dream I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish why couldn't this be a dream and if this is a dream why wouldn't it end"

"Why can't this dream end I sat beside Kenji's dead body"



"Say what happened with Isadora today's the festival right?"


"Don't you want to date Isadora come on she's waiting for you"


I cried near his dead body I cried swept my tears the guy in my dreams that I killed was Kenji my only friend Kenji

If I had the courage to, I would kill myself at the moment, I didn't have the courage to do that I bit my finger it was bleeding that whole hand was bleeding

One of the blood drops touched Kenji's dead body his body disappeared that instant

--The End--

--To be continued--