"Plaintiff's representative, is what the defendant's representative just said true?"
"Well, you see, because the witness suddenly disappeared... We haven't been able to figure out exactly what happened yet..."
As Martin Wang mumbled a reply in a shrinking voice, the judge asked again with a reproachful look,
"Plaintiff's representative, is the main grounds for divorce in this case Article 840, Paragraph 3 of the Civil Act?"
"Yes, that's correct... While there are various reasons, the main argument is that the defendant, the wife, attempted to poison or murder the plaintiff, her husband, which falls under 'extreme maltreatment by the spouse' as stipulated in Article 840, Paragraph 3 of the Civil Act."
"Is this recently submitted statement of facts the evidence for that?"
"Yes, yes, that's correct!"
Martin Wang quickly replied with a brightened expression to the judge's question.
The eyes of everyone in the courtroom turned to the white screen attached to the left wall.