Inside the chamber, the High Priest remained seated on his grisly throne, the faint aroma of Braised-Pork Taihao Ramen lingering in the air. His chopsticks rested beside an empty bowl and a can of Frosty Lotus Brew sat within reach, its condensation glistening in the dim light of the chamber.
The old man's serene demeanor was unshaken, as if the upheaval he'd caused was of no consequence at all.
Luo Ming bowed slightly as he spoke with restrained frustration. "High Priest, the orders have been given. The cultists are preparing to depart for the main temple as you commanded. But I must ask… what happens if the Venomous Conclave's decision is different from yours? They will not take kindly to abandoning conquest just because of a bigger obstacle like the Divine Convenience Store."