The way Lin Mo said it made Xue Yuan frown even further.
'What is this Shopkeeper saying? What can blow my mind? Granted. His products seemed to be unordinary and high-quality, but what's there to be blown away by them?' Like the Storm Elder, skepticism filled his head.
Xue Yuan crossed his arms not bothering to hide his irritation and doubt, "Hah. Blow my mind away? You sure speak big, Shopkeeper. Fine, show me what you've got."
'Baited' Lin Mo's lips curled into a smirk.
"Very well." He turned towards one of the shelves lined with brightly colored packets of different flavors of the Spirit-infused Potato Chips, pulling one of them.
"Since you seem to believe everything must be difficult to be worthwhile, how about a challenge?"
The prodigy raised an eyebrow. "A challenge?"
Lin Mo held up the packet, letting the silver foil gleam under the store's bright lights.