In a dark room there was pictures of one person that made this young man obsessed with. Her eyes, face, smile and expression were just to captivating for him. He saw those stary eyes how fascinating they were but only some people where able to see them.
He muttered her name that was whom he had pictures plastered all over the walls of his room. He wanted her as he been acting together with her but she left due to reasons. until he found out she was pregnant and that infuriated him.
The blond hair boy didn't like that one bit and wanted Ai dead for betraying him. When she had said he would support him. To take care of him if he needed help.
Though I did it because she was nice and was willing to help a colleague out. Not thinking of him as a love interest. Still the boy named hikaru thought she liked him. Oh how delusional he was because she saw that smiles of hers that charmed him.
She always did things so perfect her talent was genius level. He wanted to be by her side but now...Hikaru wishes to kill her maybe show her why she shouldn't have betrayed him with another man when he liked her first. More so because he was traumatuized when he was molested by that woman airi.
He didn't like it but he was to young to innocent until now. He wanted more of Ai to support him and to be by his side. But now that she is a mother he hated the man who impregnated her. He has yet to find out who she has slept with. But now that she betrayed him for not being with him instead he would kill the bastard. then kill Ai how wonderful would it be to have her loved one die in front of her. To see those eyes become clouded in darkness.
[Hikaru POV]
I'll kill that bastard then maybe play around with him first
It would be exciting~
Now I should get some more information of this man who made Ai's this way. Tainting her with his disgusting existence. But now that Ai is tainted I'll have him die in front of her and see her crumble.
Then I'll kill her for betraying me!
I felt mad, I wanted both dead but I wonder should I get my hands dirty?
I could send maybe a crazy fan who would be obsessed with her willing to kill her because she couldn't perform for that year of pregnancy.
I need someone devoted and stupid and finding one would be easy. I couldn't help but look at the pictures I had of Ai hoshino.
The idol that shines bright and when performed that one month. I felt that smile that gaze her movements all filled with emotion. Like love emitted from her, I wanted to know how she changed into something more spectacular.
Now, I see....
Besides maybe I should make those filthy brats of hers loose their parents how would they react, I wonder?
Maybe if they intrigue me and become similar to Ai, I wouldn't mind reshaping that child to my desire.
[No POV]
Hikaru's eyes became dark, he had the most sinister emotions swirling inside of him. He would unleash them but not to soon for his plan to fail.
Loyd had two sleeping beauties on his shoulders as she quietly just watched TV as it was in low volume. Miyako and Ai were sleeping while aqua and ruby pouted wanting to cuddle with him. As they went to their room. They both shared it but sometimes they would ask to sleep with loyd.
"Look onee-san!"
"What is it ruby-chan?"
Ruby showed a phone that had comments of Ai the bad one's though it was very small of them. Still ruby didn't like them. As she had an account to reply back. She was in a forum where they talk about idols.
*click* click*
"See this onee-san! They monkey's of men don't know the beauty and talent of mama they can't comprehend it!"
Aqua sighed then again she wanted to join in too.
Which she just continued watching ruby reply with insults and roasting the people in the forum page.
"Ugly old hags probably fifty and single and is dying alone!"
She talked with anger as she typed those words mixing some other things.
"Ugly fat monkey's don't deserve to witness mama perform! Probably get no bitches either"
"O-Onee-san they deserve it!"
(This sister of mine)
Aqua sighed as she then type an insult to a specific comment talking about.
"only father deserves Okaa-san"