Morning arrives for class, but Reiko Sagara, Memeko Kushiwari, and Forest Straw were absent in class. Forest Straw during this time is stuck in his room, locked away from the grounds of civilization. Then something in his mind flashes up, it is like a system window that appeared. With this system window is a graphical interface on how to approach strategy with the manifestation of your thoughts. In it, how to control the martial arts world.
Upon checking, it has a monetary system initialized through the procedure of making bets. These bets includes elements of usage in the Martial Arts world on how it can deploy units or even order from a restaurant for food. They also have underground businesses offer and a back door to buying cultivation pills and many tools of the martial arts world.
One can also negotiate with its use, a contact of the martial arts world's finest cultivators. If not, expand to the military for help in problems such as solving 1 + 1.
Now, when he closes his eyes, he can see a mouse and a computer interface. Much that we see similar to our laptops. Where he can access books and buy books in a fashion similar to the internet. Much much more is possible with this as he can now have access to the source code allowing the world to be programmed within the grasps of his finger prints. All it takes is a simple closing of the eyelids.
With this computer interface, he can program magic with the use of coins. Code food and summon it, with the use of its coins. Then figure out ways on how to guide the movements of his enemies as he wishes them to be.
With this, he is given a chance to support his cause to protect the people close to him. While never threatening the balance of power through going out. In this manner, he can still win the fight, without personally going out at all.
In this form of magical books, he discovered something that eliminated his compatriots in the past future. It was a "respawn", and the magic in this text delve long and wide about it, and how to do it.
In its most basic form, you concentrate the chakras in your sacral chakra. Then by the trigger of both hands swaying up and down. Say "manifestation! Respawn!" then, "Respawn! Respawn!", then at that second that he imagined a ninja. A ninja of his command to follow, was just respawned.
Forest calls this ninja "Mingyue". She is summoned and imagined to be very smart. In that thought, she is a very helpful ninja obeying all of his commands. Though a bit of a clumsy person, and jokingly talkative. When the memory realized Forest Straw test her of martial arts. She begun showing a face experienced in battle and attacks Forest in Self Defence with quite the accuracy.
Forest then initiates her to contact a martial artists by the name of Jack Springs. For a reason of meeting an old friend he now remembers. In it, follow through with a plan to stop the Jenfields from ruling the world once more.
He also adds to the instructions of "Mengyue" to send both messages to Memeko Kushiwari, and his love in life, Reiko Sagara. To a chance to meet the old team once again.
With this phenomenal exception, he develops new wings to move and to counter. With a growth that conquers all boundaries while lock away at a room that will be similar to his prison in a forever time and scale, locking him up there for the time of his attacks. In this way, he can gain freedom.