On the eight day of being in this alternate world I manage to make my mana core 100%. But it's still not unlocked… it says:
[manacore: 100% sealed]
Great-sage what do I need to do to unlock the dark black stage?
You have to fill your stomach first.
Alright then, I'll go and kill some monsters.
I head outside of my cave into the green forest. I hear groans coming from bears and howls from wolfs, but I can't seem to find them. Then suddenly I spot a wolf, two wolfs fighting over a woman standing behind them. One of the wolfs kills the other but the other one is wounded
[Species: forest wolf]
[manacore: dark black]
[skills: bite, bloodlust, howl]
[mana: 2/10]
[Hp: 22/75]
Its wounded from the fight it just went through. I get closer to them hiding behind trees with my small agile body. I jump on him biting his neck and his neck snaps instantly. It's dead. The female wolf flees and now I have two meals to eat. I take the wolfs back to the cave I hid in. I feel so hungry but I decide to wait a bit with eating them. I first scout if nobody has nestled into my cave. After a quick round nobody has taking it. I take the wolfs inside and eat them. Manacore, fur and skin too. The skin and fur are bitter, but the warm raw meat is actually delicious. The warm blood fills my mouth as I bite down on it. After eating it al I feel sleepy and fall asleep.
On day nine I wake up covered in this sort of slimy substance. The first thing I notice is that I have grown a bit. I am around a meter tall now and I check my stats:
[Species: nebula dragon]
[core: dark black]
[Skills: claws 2 [level up], scales 3 [level up], speed-enhancement, great-sage, self-regeneration 2 [level up], charm]
[magic: nebula]
[resistance: pain immunity]
[mana: 25]
[Hp: 100]
I have unlocked my magic! Isn't nebula like the whole galaxy?Let me try to use it. Start with something small. I start to conjure a small star. It's way harder then I had expected, after an hour of trying I finally had a small star. After 5 seconds it explodes blowing of my paw
[Hp: 50/100]
[mana 20/25]
My hand starts to generate thru self-regeneration. My magic seems quite powerful. Maybe I can throw the star? I conjure the small star again after trying and I clench it in my claw and throw it. After flying in the air for a few seconds it explodes again. It is quite powerful to only cost me 5 mana per star but it takes quite long to conjure. I don't think I can easily use it in battle. It's too much thinking…
[achieved skill: [parallel thought processing]
Oh well that makes it a bunch easier now I can actually train things while trying to train my mana. I try to do so, but it's actually hard to do.