I am from the good times and bad times of the past.
I am from late nights and stressful days.
I am from the short tempers of parents and long fights.
I am from Sunday morning church that always dragged on for too long.
From late nights, up all night making bad decisions.
From the pain of not being ready to lose the people around me.
From the love my father showed, when my mother was too blinded by my bad to see all the good I am.
I am from the constant search of approval from my mother, who never failed to see the bad in all that I do.
I am from switches and belts and hands that never failed to catch me in the wrong.
I am from loving those who need to be loved the most, the ones who don't see the good in themselves.
From caring for others more than myself, more than my problems that weighed down on me.
From moving around and new schools and new friends that were just as fake as the last.
From climbing stress mountains just to see the slope of another.
I am from the bright colors of singing and writing for hours.
I am from learning to show how I feel without showing it through my body.
I am from learning that some people will just hate me for no reason at all and it shouldn't bother me.
I am from shining through when people need me to lift them higher than they can lift themselves.
From the small fights at dads that would turn into a trash fight.
From a silent father of few words, a drunken father of too many, that still didn't seem enough.
From sleepless nights listening to sad songs and over thinking the mess ups of the past.
But most of all, I am from growing from who I was and who my parents say I'd turn out to be.
From the tears, the useless tears, I used to cry over what was said to me from all those heartless people.
From the smiles that seeped through the bad.
The laughs that happened from the bad.
The hugs after every useless fight.
Love after every storm.
Hope after every bad day, that the next will be better.