In a prosperous kingdom, ruled by a wise and virtuous king, the inhabitants lived in peace and prosperity. Three prominent figures - the warrior Luran, the sage Monomata, and the merchant Herra - along with the king were the pillars of society, ensuring its stability and prosperity.
However, when the cruel criminal Grim appeared, seeking to seize power, everything changed. He used cunning and intrigue to destroy the king and his loyal assistants. Having killed the king of the kingdom, Grim caused chaos and incited war among the people.
Left without a leader, the three prominent pillars were still able to seal Grim, giving their lives. The kingdom fell into factions that fought among themselves for power. And the king, having given his life for his subjects, became a symbol of justice and courage, although his death led to the collapse of the former kingdom.
After the devastating fall of the kingdom and the death of the king and his loyal assistants, the kingdom fell into pieces, where each region maintained its own autonomy. Sixteen years have passed since these events, and a new generation has grown up in the shadow of the past.
At this time, the main character, the young and brave Quirrell Cornifer, decided to leave his village and set off on a journey around the world. He sought to discover new lands, make great journeys and find his place in this changed world.
Gathering his backpack and weapons, Quirrell set off on a journey where various adventures unfolded before him, meeting new friends and enemies, and discovering secrets that reflected the future and potential for the revival of the former kingdom. Thanks to his courage and ingenuity, Quirrell hoped to bring light and hope to this new world, which was ready for revival and restoration.