Chereads / The Heir of Setharion / Chapter 13 - The Trial of the Soul

Chapter 13 - The Trial of the Soul

The journey ended at an imposing gate, guarded by two stone giants whose armor gleamed in the light of the setting sun. Argovarn, the legendary School of Magic, lay before them, nestled in an emerald green valley, framed by majestic mountains whose snow-capped peaks soared into the azure sky. The school itself was an architectural masterpiece: a labyrinth of towers, courtyards, and vaulted halls, built of gray stone that shimmered in the evening light. Magical lights danced over the battlements, enveloping the place with an aura of mystery and wonder.Theron steered the wagon through the gate and stopped before the stone guardians. "These are the Guardians of Argovarn," he explained in a hushed voice. "They guard the entrance and test everyone who seeks entry."Seth and Eldric followed him with pounding hearts. A mixture of excitement and apprehension ran through them. Would they pass the test? Were they worthy of entering Argovarn?Theron stepped forward and bowed respectfully to the stone figures. "I am Theron, a Seeker in the service of Argovarn," he announced. "I bring you two young people who possess the potential for magic. I ask for entry for them."The guardians did not move. Their empty eyes seemed to scrutinize Seth and Eldric, as if they could pierce their very souls. An eerie silence fell over the place.Then, with a sudden jerk, the guardians came to life. They lowered their spears and pointed with stony fingers to a narrow path that led into the dense forest beside the gate."The path leads to the Trial of the Soul," boomed the voice of one of the guardians, deep and echoing as if from another world. "Only those who pass this trial are worthy of entering Argovarn. Those who fail must turn back."Seth and Eldric exchanged a nervous glance. The Trial of the Soul? What could it be?Theron sensed their uncertainty and placed a reassuring hand on their shoulders. "Do not worry," he said with an encouraging smile. "This trial is not dangerous. It tests your inner strength, your courage, and your resolve. Simply follow the path, and you will reach the trial."He hesitated briefly, then added, "I cannot accompany you. The trial must be faced alone. But I will wait for you here."A feeling of apprehension spread through Seth and Eldric. Alone in the forest? What awaited them there?Theron seemed to read their thoughts. "Have faith," he said. "Believe in yourselves and your abilities. You will succeed."With a final encouraging nod, he turned and walked back to the wagon. Seth and Eldric looked at each other, then took a deep breath and stepped onto the path.The path wound through the dense forest, deeper and deeper into the darkness. The trees towered over them like eerie giants, and the sunlight barely reached the ground. An oppressive silence lay over the place, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the cracking of twigs beneath their feet.Seth felt his heart beating faster. He didn't know what to expect, but he was determined to pass the trial. He had to get to Argovarn; he had to learn to control his magical powers.Suddenly, the forest opened up before them. They stood in a small clearing, in the middle of which grew an ancient tree, its gnarled branches stretching protectively over the clearing. The tree was covered with moss and lichen, and an aura of tranquility and mystery surrounded it.Beneath the tree sat a figure, cloaked in a dark mantle. As they drew closer, they realized it was an old woman, with silver-gray hair and a wrinkled face etched with countless years and experiences. Her eyes were dark and piercing, as if they could fathom the deepest secrets of their souls."Welcome to the Trial of the Soul," the woman said in a voice that sounded raspy and aged, yet radiated a certain strength and authority. "I am the guardian of this trial. Only those who are willing to face their innermost fears may proceed."Seth and Eldric stepped closer, filled with a mixture of awe and apprehension. They felt the old woman's scrutinizing gaze upon them."What is the Trial of the Soul?" Seth asked, his voice trembling slightly."The Trial of the Soul is a test of your heart," the woman explained. "It tests your courage, your bravery, and your resolve. It confronts you with your deepest fears and your hidden weaknesses. Only those who face their fears and overcome their weaknesses can pass this trial."Seth swallowed. That didn't sound easy."How does the trial work?" Eldric asked, trying to sound brave."You must face the creature of the forest," the woman replied. "It will show you your deepest fears and try to break you. But if you are strong and follow your heart, you will pass the trial."Seth and Eldric looked at each other. The creature of the forest? What could it be? A fearsome monster? A dangerous demon?The old woman stood up and pointed to a dark path that led into the forest behind the tree. "Follow this path," she said. "There you will find the creature of the forest. But be warned: this trial is not without danger. Only the bravest and most determined can pass it."Seth and Eldric felt a tingling in their stomachs. Fear and curiosity battled within them. They stepped onto the path and disappeared into the shadows of the forest.The path led them deeper and deeper into the darkness. The trees were so dense that they could barely see the light of the sky. Seth felt cold sweat break out on his skin. He had the feeling of being watched by unseen eyes.Suddenly, they heard a sound, a deep, rumbling growl coming from the undergrowth. They stopped and listened intently. The growling grew louder, came closer. Seth felt fear creeping into his limbs.Then they saw it. A giant creature emerged from the shadows of the trees. It was larger than a bear, with powerful claws and glowing eyes. Its fur was black as night, and its breath smelled of sulfur and burnt earth.Seth and Eldric recoiled. The creature was terrifying. It growled and bared its teeth as if it were about to attack them at any moment.Seth felt his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't know what to do. Should he fight? Flee? Or try to talk to the creature?But before he could make a decision, something unexpected happened. The creature lowered its head and bowed deeply. Then it looked at Seth and spoke in a deep, echoing voice that sent shivers down their spines: "I greet you, O Setharion. The time of change has come, O Mighty One."Seth stared at the creature in disbelief. What had it said? Setharion? The name was familiar, but he couldn't place it. Who was Setharion? And why was this creature calling him that?He felt confusion rising within him. But before he could ask these questions, the creature dissolved into thin air. It was gone as if it had never been.Seth and Eldric looked at each other. What had just happened? Had they passed the trial?They looked around, but all they saw was the dark forest and the path ahead of them. They decided to continue.Meanwhile, Theron watched the two boys from afar. He had hidden behind a tree and followed the scene with bated breath. When the creature bowed to Seth and called him Setharion, a shiver ran through him. He knew he had witnessed something extraordinary.He waited until the two boys were out of sight, then emerged from his hiding place and hurried back to the gate. He had to inform the Elders of Argovarn. This was a matter of utmost importance.Seth and Eldric finally reached the end of the path. They emerged from the forest and found themselves in a vast meadow. In the middle of the meadow stood a magnificent building, built of white marble, gleaming in the evening sun. It was Argovarn.They had passed the Trial of the Soul. But they had no idea what adventures and challenges awaited them at the School of Magic. And they had no idea what role Seth, the descendant of Setharion, would play in the future.