Hey, hey.
I hope that this finds you all well.
You too Kid.
Whoever you are.
Wherever you are.
It's been an interesting year so far.
It started very...inspired.
But now?
I don't know.
I feel as if some strange honeymoon phase has ended, and I am not facing the rest of the year with...whatever the U.S. government is doing to us lbvs.
Anyone have a room or place for rent outside of America!?
I will pay my fair share, and you can read all of my material BEFORE I post it online lol.
Yeah...I hope that things change soon.
For the better.
For everyone.
We should be doing so much better as a species folks lbvs.
Who am I but one of you?
Let's see what my future kid would have been reading today, shall we?
See you soon.
Time machine activate.
September 9th, 2018.
10:30 AM
Dear You.
At work again.
As usual.
I work a lot...
And once you get here, I'll be working a lot more.
But I promise that I will always make time for you and your mom.
I don't feel good today...
My stomach hurts and my head as well.
No good.
No good.
XXXXX (Uncle XXXXX to you)
Went out of town recently lol
I am particularly excited because he returned with some very special gifts for myself and our friends.
Edibles lol.
If you don't know what that is (and you are below the age of 18) then that's fine lol.
Feel free to ask and as usual, I'll explain as best I can.
I'll get back to you later kid.
Love you.
12:30 PM
Just ate.
Feeling a bit better.
Roasted pork shoulder, and Puerto Rican rice lol.
If your mom turns out to be whom I think it is, well...
To make it simple, I'll say Black and Puerto Rican.
But your mom is more than just Puerto Rican, and I am actually:
1. Indian. (Native -Feather not Dot-) Blackfeet and Cherokee.
2. Cuban.
3. Jamaican. This being my main point of pride when it comes to my "Race" or nationality.
I can't tell you what is all in your mom's blood, I simply can't recall at the moment but I can say she has a bit of Irish in her blood.
Be proud.
Your family bloodlines are strong and well-cultured.
You are the next step/branch of our family, and we love you more than life itself.
That sidetracked pretty quick lol.
Well, that's just how my mind works.
My father was in town yesterday.
He gave me a pair of shoes.
I hope that you got a chance to meet him.
He was a great man.
All of the Ivy men are pretty great.
So great that I tend to see myself as a Prince among Kings...
I grew up here in Milwaukee on my mom's side of the family.
Let's just say...
My mom's side (your grandma) is a lot less fortunate financially.
My mom and dad didn't get along very well.
My dad being a very calm and passive man, while my mom was/is (assuming she is still alive) not so calm and passive.
My mom has pretty hot blood. The Jamaican roots see to that.
Jamaicans tend to be pretty quick to anger.
I am blessed to have gotten more of my father's blood lol.
My father wanted me to live with him down in Chicago as a kid.
At the same time, my mother was set on me staying with her in Milwaukee.
Needless to say, my mother won that court case...
So I wasn't exposed to the high-end life that my dad's other children had.
I grew up with my 7 siblings on my mom's side.
Your Aunts (In no order)
1. XXXXX: The Rapper.
-Look her up, she is very good.-
2. XXXXX: The Grinder.
I only give her this title because she is always on the move, also she is usually struggling...
3. XXXXX: The School girl.
She has a very good head on her shoulders.
4. XXXXX: The New Kid.
XXXXX was my mom's final child, and all of us were pretty well into our teens before she came along/
What a surprise that was lol.
You Uncles
1. XXXXX: The Creator.
He is an amazing artist as I'm sure you know by now.
2. XXXXX: The Distant.
He left the city when he grew up, and only visits us on special occasions.
3. XXXXX: The Rogue.
XXXXX was always one to rebel...He did a decent amount of time in jail.
Very smart, but also not good at taking advice and knowing when to stop.
We all grew up under the love and tyranny of our mother.
Trials that made us all strong in our own ways.
Trials that made us all weak in our own ways.
My dad's side consisted of a similar number of siblings that I very rarely got to cross paths with.
I reunited with my dad's side in 2014 I believe.
After many years of zero contact.
Crazy enough, 2 of them lived in Milwaukee for many years and I never knew.
I love them all.
Some a bit more than others lol
But that's based on many small things.
Ah, to be a sibling...
My mom never married, but she was with my stepdad for many, many years.
My dad did marry again. His wife XXXXX is a very kind woman.
My father told me recently that he has 2 small tumors near his brain...
I hope whatever new news we get soon is good news.
Back to you lol.
I hope
That you have a bit more of my blood vs your mom's lol.
ONLY because she has pretty hot blood.
Spaniard + African = Puerto Rican.
Those are two very temperamental bloodlines soooo.
Maybe my more passive blood will be dominant and you won't have to worry so much about anger management.
But her, even if you do, It won't make me love you any less.
Worry not my child.
As you read more and ask more, you'll learn more and more about your family's history.
It's interesting, to say the least.
I suppose I'll hop right into it lol.
-I still work a lot lol.
I work too much to still be quite poor lbvs.
I continue to write and work on four separate books on top of that -without pay might I add lol- but I love it. I love it because you all continue to return and read along.
That is very important to me lol.
-Still no kid, you know? It's unfortunate, but life will do what life does.
It will happen if and/or when it is meant to, you know?
-I grew to love Puerto Rican food since I was with one for nearly a decade lol. My only grief was that my stomach has always been quite small lol and my ex and her mom would always fix me the largest plate possible lmao.
Wild time I tell ya lol.
-Edibles are...interesting, you know? The dosage is always weird so you really don't know what to expect. I am not against them, but I rarely pay for them.
-Uncle XXXXX is a good friend of mine who used to work for a moving company. He would pass through many states during his travels, and he had brought back quite a bit of that good broccoli one time.
He invited all of us over to smoke and game, you know?
We all rolled three blunts each lol.
About 15 in total.
I was way too high by the time we passed the fourth one around lmao.
I think we were playing some sort of fighting game, I can't recall. But they were all far more skilled than I was. I know that much.
-Correction: I am not Indian, Cuban, or Jamaican. I am mostly Nigerian lol. I remember my sister telling me that we were a mixture of those three things sometime in my youth, and it just stuck.
I was very proudly Jamaican for quite some time lmao.
-Correction: Spaniard and African blood does not directly make Puerto Rican lbvs.
It is a lot more complicated than that, but I can more accurately say now that I know that it is more like (to OVER simplify) European + African + Native American.
Don't cancel me, folks, I ain't no professional blood and nationality expert-person-man lol
-If you do exist somewhere out there...I have no idea who your mom is or even could be.
-I've always felt lesser...I have no real idea of who my father is or what his true character is like.
He is also very much alive lol I have no idea why I was talking as if he is dead.
Maybe I figured that my kid (You) would be reading this at some point in time when that was a reality.
-My mom raised me and my siblings to the best of her abilities.
There always seemed to be a baby around since we all are a few years apart lol, and it seemed very much as if another would appear just as soon as the last would hit school age lol.
Having so many siblings was a gift and a curse, but that is several stories for another time lbvs.
-I was blessed with my dad's calm, yes.
But I was cursed with my mom's irritation lol.
I don't tend to get angry, just very irritated and subsequently irritable lol.
But it never lasts very long, my dad's blood is just that potent lol.
-The court ruled in my mom's favor, you know?
But I recall once...
We left the courtroom, and the judge had told me that the next time he saw me, he wanted an answer from ME.
He wanted to know who I wanted to go live with.
My mom had said very faintly...well she had threatened me.
Another story for another time...
I stayed with her.
For better or worse.
-Had I gone with him my life would have been quite different.
But alas, life is what it is, and I believe that all things happen for a reason, you know?
Had I been raised down there in place of where I was, you all wouldn't be reading about this right now lol.
I have 14 siblings lol.
Combining both my mom and dad's lots.
The Rapper?
"Vixxan Tha Assassin" (I probably spelled that wrong) is my sister lbvs.
Yeah, go Google her.
Maybe YouTube would provide better results.
I'll wait.
That's my sister and your Aunt Kid...
Big whop, wanna fight about it?
Thank you all for being so loyal and reading this weird series of mine,
I'm sure it will reach my kid someday.
If that kid ever comes to be.
I will probably be long gone by then lol,
I don't know...
If I am?
I love you, Kid.
Even from beyond the grave.
See you all back here shortly, yeah?
Safe travels out there.
And as always,
Stay safe.
Stay healthy.
Stay vigilant.