It has been a very interesting year thus far.
Especially here in America.
If you know, you know.
A part of me is glad that I don't have a kid these days, you know?
Just due to the hostility in the air.
The fear.
The anxiety.
I am rather empathic...a pro and a con.
The world is so full of rampant and unchecked emotions...
Go read my poetry lol It just may help you get some of your own thoughts and emotions in check lol.
But much as I want a kid, I don't know how I would do with raising them in this new modern world.
I was born in 1988 man lol.
I have a weird and "dated" mindset being a Millennial.
I am sure that you've seen this if you are a dabbler of O.J.M.V1 & V2 lol
I won't keep you all, just thinking out loud is all.
I hope that this finds you all wee, as always.
I love you, yeah?
I hope that wasn't the first time you've heard that today.
August 27th, 2018.
Dear You.
Sorry that I didn't get a chance to continue from my last entry.
That was one very long day.
So I've taken back my old job as a Preschool Teacher.
I always end up going back to teaching.
I guess I was just born to do this.
So 2 jobs...
I hate it but my dad told me, he said:
"If you want something, you work hard. Just work hard and you can get and do anything you want."
I agree.
It just sucks that you have to work so damn hard to get enough to make things happen...
But I am strong.
I can do this.
It's all about having a plan.
And a plan B!!
-I've worked for a few schools over the years, and only a couple were Preschools.
With that being said, I don't recall working for...never mind! I literally just remembered lmfao!
Man, oh man...I recall the very first Daycare Center/Preschool that I worked for...
I won't list names -for risk of being sued or what not- but the place (and job) started out soooooo good!
The staff seemed friendly.
The pay wasn't half bad.
The building was a but run-down, but it was also under construction/expansion in that wing, so I put little mind to that.
Things seemed so...perfect?
Dare I say?
Well, It was not.
It was FAR from perfect lbvs.
I didn't last for more than six months.
It was very comparable to hell lol.
I delt with what had to be some of the worst children that I had ever encountered in all of my life for one, there was little to no support from upper management for two, and lastly but definitely not least, the parents of most of the children just didn't seem to care about any of this stuff at all.
The hygiene.
The temperaments.
The violent behavior.
It was bad.
So bad.
I had chairs thrown at me by 3/4 year old's I tell ya lbvs.
Stories for another time I assure you.
And if this entry was about the OTHER Daycare/Preschool that I worked at?
Well, that story is even worse, and even more so for another time lmao.
-Two jobs? That one is tough...I can't recall many times that I worked two jobs at once for need or want of anything, and I REALLY can't recall working at a Daycare/Preschool AND somewhere else at the same time...hmm.
This may have been while I was transitioning from teaching to Residential Home Care.
Maybe lol.
I need to revisit some memories lol.
-My an interesting man.
I don't know him much (More stories for another time) but I did find him and some years of searching, and get to know him just a little...
I know that he is a workaholic.
Either that, or he just worked/works to avoid the family life.
That bit of advice -above- was of of the few things he ever told me, or even said to me.
He is still alive as I type this, and I wish him the best.
His life and mine are just not destined to intertwine, and with that fact I an just fine.
-It still sucks that life demands so much work in order to really get anywhere.
At least here in America.
Depending on your race that is lbvs...Black guy in a bowtie here lol.
-I have always been one for a plan B, but I only tend to formulate one when things start to go bad lbvs. I am really good at thinking on my feet, and while backed into corners.
I don't prefer to work that way, but It seems to be a thing that works for me.
I am 36 now lol I am working on my "Plan B."
For now I will just keep working and writing.
What will be, will be.
You know?
I will see you all back here soon enough!
I have been busy with my other series, and I am sorry that I haven't given more time to this one for those of you who enjoy it.
I will do better lol.
Safe travels out there folks, and as always:
Stay safe.
Stay healthy.
Stay vigilant.
A MASSIVE thank you goes out to both Canada and El Salvador for your amazing love and loyalty.
I see that the majority of my readers for this series are in one of those two locations, and my heart is with you all as well!
Thank you all for a combined just over 5K views!