"This is far enough."
Yang Yu stopped in front of the shadow, raised his head, and took in the attributes of the shadow entirely.
Not only did the shadow possess an impressive Level of 109, but all its stats, except for Speed, hovered around 4000, making it a deserving boss of the underground city. It could kill Yang Yu and his teammates with a mere slap.
Engaging in battle with this creature would be a despair beyond words.
"Alright, human. Now, answer my questions." The shadow's sonorous voice echoed in the vast space, "First is the initial question. In this vast world, there exists a magical animal..."
Upon hearing this start, Yang Yu suddenly recalled a well-known story, and just as he was thinking it couldn't possibly be that question, the shadow's voice continued, "This magical animal has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening. What exactly is this animal?"
Ah, so it's really that question!
Yang Yu was speechless.