The other party had completely fallen for the trap, and Yang Yu, clearly aware of their needs, had thus brought Bai Jin along, deliberately disguised as two down-and-out black workers-turned-adventurers.
With his rich gaming experience, it went without saying that Yang Yu was a natural. Bai Jin was also deeply invested in the role. For this day, Yang Yu had taught Bai Jin quite a few secrets of acting, leaving no detail of the undercover technique unexplored.
Under the perfect performance of two acting maestros, Slarate was thoroughly convinced that Yang Yu and Bai Jin were helpless adventurers. All that was left was for Yang Yu and Bai Jin to pass the test, and they would have completed the first step of their plan.
Of course, no tests could be conducted in the underground referral agency. The uncle who ran the place opened a secret passage, leading them to an underground facility.