I've been at sea for two weeks, and I've gained several abilities, from those of octopuses to corals. Overall, it's been quite productive, but right now, I'm doing the most important thing I've done since arriving in this world. And what's that? Running—or in this case, swimming—for my life.
And what am I running from? One of the most beloved monsters of this saga: the Lagiacrus, the quintessential leviathan wyvern.
If it weren't for the jet propulsion ability I got from an octopus, I'd probably already be eaten. Even so, it managed to catch me by surprise. It aimed for my torso, but luckily I dodged at the last second, though it still bit my tail.
It started shaking me from side to side while electrocuting me. Thankfully, I had the ability to do the same thing, albeit to a lesser extent, thanks to electric eels. While it didn't make me immune, it gave me some resistance.
Fortunately, I reacted in time. Using one of the first abilities I obtained, I detached my tail and expelled a cloud of ink from my mouth using the ink cloud ability, forming a massive smokescreen between the Lagiacrus and me.
I began to flee at that moment, knowing I couldn't win against the big guy. Sadly, it takes more than a smokescreen to escape the apex predator of the sea.
And here we are now, with the only thing keeping me alive being my ability to swim as fast as possible. In general, the Lagiacrus is faster than me, but I'm using the large rocks and reefs in this area to my advantage. Being smaller, I force it to maneuver, slowing it down.
We continued this game of cat and mouse until I realized we were nearing the shore. The problem was that from where we were to the shore, the area was clear of rocks or corals, meaning it would be a straight-line race.
I released another ink cloud, knowing it would only distract it for a few seconds, but that was enough.
I swam as fast as I could using jet propulsion.
I could see the Lagiacrus emerging from the ink cloud, looking very angry. It quickly spotted me and gave chase.
Every second brought me closer to the shore—and the Lagiacrus closer to me. It began releasing electricity to try and catch me.
It hit me, but I didn't let it stop me. The tubes in my body used for jet propulsion started to ache from the strain, but that didn't stop me either.
I was almost at the shore, so I pushed myself even harder. The Lagiacrus seemed to notice and did the same.
I was less than ten meters from the shore. My feet could now touch the sand, so I didn't hesitate to push off as hard as I could with my legs and jump.
Finally, after two weeks, I had returned to solid ground.
The Lagiacrus can walk on land too, but it's much slower out of the water. I kept running, feeling slightly disoriented after being at sea for so long.
I ran until I heard a roar that I could only identify as one of frustration from the Lagiacrus.
—Well… that was a very particular way to end my two weeks at sea.
POV Lyra
—Do we still have nothing? the Commander asked.
—No, sir. It's as if it vanished, replied the head of research.
Everyone fell silent before the Commander's grandson spoke up.
—What if it migrated to another area? As far as we know, it's a monster created by the ancient civilization, of which no remains have been found in the New World until today. But considering not all of the New World has been mapped yet, it's not unreasonable to think it came from an undiscovered zone.
Sigh And this had to happen while the Admiral was off on one of his adventures, complained the Commander.
—And sir, with all due respect, both the hunters and the rest of the workers are upset with the situation. We're allocating too many resources to finding this monster, and it's delaying preparations for the arrival of the Fifth Fleet.
Even though my rank shouldn't allow me to be part of this conversation—after all, to the rest of Astera, this is just the discovery of another monster, not the second coming of Alatreon or a potential sixth black dragon—I'm allowed to participate because I was the one who found the monster and was present during the initial discussions about it.
—… You're right. While finding this monster is still a priority, we can't neglect the Fifth Fleet. Have all hunters return to their usual duties! But keep an eye out for this monster.
With that, the Commander turned and left, bringing the meeting to a close.
I was about to leave too, but a conversation between the Commander's grandson and the Head of Research caught my attention.
—Chief, a question.
—This monster… on a scale of one to ten, how likely is it to become a threat on par with Alatreon?
—… Five.
—Five? Shouldn't it be higher?
Sigh The thing is, it's less a five out of ten and more a fifty percent chance. I have no doubt this monster could become dangerous, but I'm not sure if it will reach that level. I've already discussed this with the Commander, which is partly why the investigation has been deprioritized for now.
—I see. Thank you, Chief.
[Name: Chryssia
Special: Devour, Synthesis, World Travel
Cuerpo: Tail Detachment, 360° Vision, Jaw Dislocation, Rending Jaw, Bioluminescence, Reinforced Spine, Strong Neck and Back Muscles, Reinforced Body, Giant Muscles, Intimidating Iron Crest, Limb Mantle, Suction Olfactory Tongue, Large Monster Physique, Species Alpha, Expandable Stomach, Gills, Fins, Jet Propulsion, Hydrodynamic Body (32/48)
Offensive: Bite Force, Strength Boost, Ram, Meteoric Fall, Cushioned Stomach, Electric Discharge, Venomous Spines, Blade Fins, Rapid Growth Spikes, Coral Growths (13/12)
Defensive: Chitin Shield, Paralytic Cloud, Elastic Skin, Flash, Distracting Buzz, Acidic Paralytic Venom Launchers, Potent Gunpowder Creation, Stomach Acid Spit, Crushing Body, Marine Shell, Oyster Armor, Ink Cloud, Coral Skin (18/24)
Social: Pheromone Detection, Pack Synchronization, Pheromone Veil, Hive Alarm (4/6)
Survival: Digging, Photosynthesis, Healing Properties, Antidote Properties, Pollination, Natural Constructor, Night Vision, Vibration Detection, Limb Regeneration, Camouflage, Coral Regeneration (14/12)
Evolution: Cloud (Offensive), Enhanced Nervous System (Body), Armored Plates (Defensive), Improved Lung Capacity (Survival), Impact Absorption (Defensive)