Chereads / Subject-0 / Chapter 21 - Who Is Subject-0 [Experimental Log]

Chapter 21 - Who Is Subject-0 [Experimental Log]


Shelly was still fighting back the tears as she drove away. A part of her still desired and needed to go back to Adam, back to her lover, but she was too afraid of what might happen to her and the child within her if she did.

A move across the country might not be far enough, but it was her only hope. She may only be an English teacher, but she was determined that her child would be raised properly, and with the proper amount of love that it deserved.

* * *

There is an old tale that circulates through the hospitals about a night a man was brought in, broken and bleeding. While his life wasn't in danger, the staff and even some of the patients around them participated in a massive orgy. Everyone knows that it must be a tale, though, for no respectable doctor would participate in such debauchery.



STATUS REPORT: Using substance gleaned from Subject 0, test animals seem to go into a mating frenzy. The chances of offspring seem to increase, even when the females are not in heat, before applying the chemical.




STATUS REPORT: Test animals have begun to show a resistance to the chemical. Higher doses are needed, but thankfully there seem to be no addicting properties to it. The only noted side effect is that all the animals tested seem to be, if you will excuse the crude term, 'horny', even when the chemical is not present. Warrants further study. The last thing we need is to overpopulate the earth.




STATUS REPORT: Have found a way to dilute the chemical without it loosing its properties. It was easy really; just add salt water in a mixture much like that found in sweat. Hopefully this will allay fears when human testing eventually starts.




PERSONAL MEMO: Started petitioning for permission to start human testing. If we can bottle this in a perfume, our company will make millions, not to mention the hefty bonuses us poor laborers will receive.




PERSONAL MEMO: The petition for human testing was rejected. Do they not see the potential for this chemical? With it we could repopulate devastated cities, remove animals from the endangered species list, and a whole lot of other things I haven't even thought about yet.

All they can see is the potential harm and abuse that could result from this. I think their fools!




PERSONAL MEMO: I'll take things into my own hands. I know how to be safe. I'll present it to the board as though I had received the proper permissions. They trust me. They will never know I lied.




STATUS REPORT: The board has approved human testing. Portfolios are now being examined, but they already know who they are going to choose. The test has to be something that would otherwise never happen. It will be a taboo, but how else will they successfully test the substance against human willpower?




STATUS REPORT: Successfully convinced friends of Subject Alpha to go to local strip club where Subject's sister is currently employed. Substance was repeatedly piped through the ventilation system of the private rooms, with positive effects noted.

MEMO: Must remember to thank Larry Cavettelli for the use of his facility.




STATUS REPORT: Initial tests on Subject Alpha a success. All subjects seemed to be at a higher state of arousal than usual, to include Alpha and his sister. Need to get more data on what happened after Subject Alpha left the club. Perhaps we can convince Larry Cavettelli to hire Subject Alpha.




PERSONAL NOTE: Must be careful with Larry Cavettelli. He wanted to use the substance in the stripper's body spray, but that would have ruined the tests. I understand the implications this can have for his business, but science must come first. Aerial dispersion is still considered the best option for now.




STATUS REPORT: Larry has hired Subject Alpha as a bouncer. He begins work tonight. We will refrain from using the substance, and see how things play out. Still need to figure out a way to monitor Subject Alpha in his domicile.




STATUS REPORT: After Subject Alpha's first night as a bouncer, I can see that we have selected an excellent person to test our substance with. He is rational and level headed. He knows how to think. We will have to use the substance on him again to see how he behaves.




STATUS REPORT: Great news today. Ron, one of the stripper's now ex-boyfriend told us how things went that night back at their place. Subject Alpha is now mating with all three women. {What I wouldn't give to be in his shoes.} NOTE: Previous sentence should be removed as it does not reflect on the scientific value of this experiment.




STATUS REPORT: Have successfully installed hidden cameras into the girls' home. Will have to wait before we can start piping in the substance through their vents. For now, it is strictly observation.




STATUS REPORT: After months of frustration, it has finally been decided that piping the substance into this home will be too ineffective. We have built a house in a nice neighborhood, with all the proper hosing, and cameras for proper testing. We will have one of our agents contact the subjects, and see if they can be convinced to move. The one called 'Amber' would be the one most likely to convince Subject Alpha to relocate to our desired location.




STATUS REPORT: Performed first test in new house. May have to compensate Betty for involving her in it. She didn't sign up for that, but it was too perfect an opportunity to let pass.

NOTE: May have found new subjects in this neighborhood. Will need to research Diane's family closer.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Experimented today by spraying one male mouse with the substance, then removing the mouse, and replacing with a different male. Females were not interested in the new male, but seemed to be in a frenzy of excitement. The females ended up attacking the new male, until first male was put back in the cage.

It appears that the substance only works for the one it is used on.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Used substance on a rat and placed next to a cage full of mice; it had no effect on the female mice.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Noticed a curious thing today. Hours after the substance has worn off, the females are still copulating with the male mouse as quick as he is able to recover.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Continued to watch this latest batch. The females finally left the male alone and he is getting some much needed rest. The females are staying close by, though. I wonder if they are waiting for him to wake before continuing, or what this odd behavior signifies.




OBSERVATION NOTE: The male mouse woke, and the female mice no longer seem to be in a mating frenzy. They are still acting strange though, as they are staying close, and even bringing the male food.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Noticed this same behavior in another cage. As a test, we introduced both cages together into a new cage. I'm curious to see what happens.




STATUS REPORT: The separate groups from different cages seem to ignore one another. They are neither hostile, nor aggressive in any way. The females cater exclusively to their male, ignoring the other group. This is not typical mouse behavior. What can it mean?




OBSERVATION NOTE: The nearest I can speculate is that this is some form of mouse love. This substance seems to induce an uncontrollable urge to mate with the one using the substance, and then afterwards, want to remain with that one.

Will have to see what happens when we spray the substance on a new male, and introduce it to the cage.

My only other question at this point is: what are we going to do with all the extra baby mice running around?




OBSERVATION NOTE: Experimented today by spraying one male mouse with the substance, then removing the mouse, and replacing with a different male without the substance. Females were not interested in the new male, but seemed to be in a frenzy of excitement. The females ended up attacking the new male, until first male was put back in the cage.

It appears that the substance only works for the one it is used on.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Used substance on a rat and placed next to a cage full of mice; it had no effect on the female mice.




OBSERVATION NOTE: Noticed a curious thing today. Hours after the substance has worn off, the females are still copulating with the male mouse as quick as he is able to recover.

