Chereads / Tales of magic: grimoire of transmogrification / Chapter 29 - Valkyrie and Lancaster

Chapter 29 - Valkyrie and Lancaster

Tales of magic: grimoire of transmogrification

Chapter 28


Arc 2 - "The hunter and the beast"

Chapter 12- "Valkyrie and Lancaster."


He stood at the top of a magnificent mountain, watching the world beneath him with a frown.

"What's wrong, Philosopher?"

"Athena, the fact that you called me by that name. That is what's wrong."

"I don't understand."

"Most people never understand. They all continue to repeat the exact same mistakes over and over again. Even when they are reminded of their folly, the foolish hardly stray from their path."

"Are you calling me a fool?" She snapped back.

"Yes. I've deduced that that is exactly what you are."

~ Conversation between The Philosopher and Athena the Legendary Paladin.


1st of May, 1886.

Screaming woods.

Close to Weidson.




"Jordan, wake up! Use body replacement and heal yourself. We almost died. Nod your head if you can hear me."

He nodded.

"Alright then.."

"Lancaster? How exactly am I flying right now?" Jordan interrupted. Lancaster glared at him, visibly surprised by his companion's newfound audacity.

"I'm using the Magical hand spell to grab hold of you."

'The Magical hand spell? How does he know it? Is it one of the spells in his Knowledge?'

Jordan shook his head. He didn't need to speculate. The culprit was right in front of him.

"Isn't that my spell?" Jordan raised his voice a bit.

"I read your little diary. Is that a problem, Jordan?"

He was smirking, but there was something about his expression that made Jordan want to run away.

"No sir."

"Don't be so bothered. I skipped the personal bits. I couldn't care less about your feelings. Now heal yourself."

Jordan focused his mind on the Body Replacement spell. After spending hours combing through the Knowledge, he had discovered exactly what kind of Mage he was.

His Title as Quill granted him spells related to creation and construction. Apart from being able to draw diagrams with Inscribe, he was also capable of doing something that he believed othet Mages couldn't do. He could write Words of Magic. It didn't sound like much, but what that actually meant was that he didn't need to chant to cast any spell. Instead, he could write down the words and the spirits would still hear his command. Inscibe allowed him to write and draw as fast as he could think. Now he could cast practically any spell as fast as he could think about it.

And that was exactly what he did here.

"Spirits of blood, flesh and bone, fill me with your substance, and by the authority of the book of magic, feed on my broken parts, while replacing them with new ones forged by your Power all in exchange for Power greater than that which you possess." ~ written with the Words of Magic.

Crimson light was emitted from his body. The mind-numbing pain returned not too soon after. Jordan's body vibrated.

'It's been a while, hasn't it?'

Jordan gritted his teeth and endured the agony. He knew from experience that it would pass, but he still teared up after only a few seconds of it.

'It feels as if a dozen dogs are feasting on my flesh...My wounds are far less than before. Last time I used this spell, I was shot in the shoulder and had a huge chunk of my leg chewed up by that mutt. Now I'm only healing a few burns and it hurts so much. Is it the spirits trying to make things harder for me?'

He couldn't know. All he knew was that his body hurt like hell; he was going through far more pain that he did with the original injury.

"We don't have time to spare, grab hold of my hand!"

Jordan reached out and Lancaster held his hand.

"Transfer Power to me."

"I don't have that much."

"You've barely done anything with it, Jordan. Just give it."

Jordan sighed. He focused his mind on Lancaster, with his eyes closed. This was a technique that was properly outlined in the Knowledge. All he had to do was form a connection with Lancaster and then specify exactly how much of his Power is being given away.

'half as per our contract.'

Jordan felt the energy leaving his body. Lancaster nodded his head and let go of Jordan's hand, turning to his back in the same motion.

"What's behind us?"

"The Wolves."

"The what?"

"You don't need to know, you need to stay put, and let me fly. It'll be helpful if you can figure out a spell that handles the fire."


"Just..don't look back, Quill."

'Are you begging me to look back? Because telling me to do nothing is the same to me as daring me to do something. But you know that, don't you?'

Jordan looked back, and he immediately regretted it. There were hundreds of horrific monsters of different shapes and sizes jumping around or actually flying after them. They were moving slowly, keeping their distance, but the sheer number was more than enough to send chills down his spine.

Many of the beasts vaguely resembled some kind of canine, but they always had some kind of abnormal outgrowth or feature that made them intimidating in a way. There were wolves with claws the size of swords and fangs as huge as someone's head. There were some beasts that did not have eyes or noses or ears. There were only mouths; huge maws that had devilish teeth and abnormally long tongues. There were also some monsters that looked identical to normal wolves, but had the wings of a bird and red eyes that shone in the darkness.

Every single one of them looked like they were from a particularly horrible nightmare. And each and every one of these nightmarish creatures looked as though they were ready to tear them apart.

Jordan swallowed and turned away from them. The two Mages were flying forward at a speed considerably faster than a horse. Jordan knew because he had a vague memory of riding one before, and he knew they weren't nearly as fast as this. However, without looking back, he knew that the beasts were hot on their trail.

"Okay, I have a plan!" Jordan screamed to get Lancaster's attention.


"I said I have a plan! Let go of me so I fall!"

Lancaster didn't waste any time. It almost made Jordan sad, knowing that his companion wouldn't even flinch when being asked to abandon him...

However, Jordan had stayed around Lancaster long enough to understand how he operates.

Jordan plummeted down into the fire. However, before he could reach the roaring flames, he had casted a spell. Jordan Inscribed something on the air using his ink. It was a blank spell diagram, with words of magic written inside it. The words were: Jordan Elyas Middlesworth.

All of a sudden, the fire parted to allow Jordan on the hard ground. Fortunately, he managed to cast a barrier to cushion his landing.

Lancaster followed, but just flew downwards rather than switching off his Flight magic. However, before he could reach Jordan, the flames had already rose up and enveloped around the area. Bird/Crow still managed to fly through the fire to land beside Quill.

"What do you think, it was a good idea, wasn't it?" Jordan said, getting up from the floor.

The flames had parted round Jordan in a circle about 4m in diameter. The wall of flames at the perimeter of this circle curved inwards and met at a point two meters above Jordan at the centre of the circle. Basically, there was a hemi-sphere around Jordan that wasn't covered in flames and Lancaster had landed inside that hemi-sphere.

"How did you do it?"

"My name now strikes fear into the hearts of the spirits. I think that was why my Body Replacement was more painful than I remembered it to be. Spirits don't want anything to do with me, so they try to stay away as much as they can. The spirits of blood flesh and bone made sure to take their sweet time in redoing my body, and it still hurts right now even after all that. The spirits back at my Sanctuary yesterday made sure to take their leave the moment I took my name back and offered my name as a reward for conquering my soul. So, following the same principle, I could chase spirits away by announcing to them that my name is Jordan and offering to give my name to them. I made it a proper barrier by copying the symbols for Construct and Length. And after that I just added the numbers."

'Lancaster has to be a little surprised now. I have gotten so much better at using magic in a short period of time.'

"Okay. So your name is cursed. Good to know. Now, we're on the ground, I think it's best you stay close to me. The monsters won't go after you, because they're afraid of a little something I've got with me."

"What something?"

Lancaster was about to open his mouth, but he stopped and his eyes darted to the side. Jordan turned to look at what his companion was staring at and was shocked to see what appeared to be a human being walking casually out of the fire and into Jordan's makeshift barrier.

It was a woman. She was taller than Jordan but shorter than Lancaster, though she looked as though she was about the same age as the latter. She wore only a plain dull chain mail armour. It had more than a few scratches on it and was almost entirely covered in ashes.

"I am Athena. Some folks call me the Valkyrie. However, I would rather you call me..."

"Shut up and fight!" Lancaster taunted.

"Is there something wrong with you Mages? I know that you've been tainted with demonic filth, but I expect basic courtesy at least...How I wish The Philosopher was still alive. Nonetheless, it's Ashley's wish to rescue the innocents at all costs, cutting you down might have to wait."

"Innocents?" Jordan blurted.

Athena looked at him with an air of arrogance and condescension. As she did, it was as though the very earth trembled and the skies raged.

"Lowly pest. How dare you open your mouth while I speak to a real Mage?"

'A what?'

"What do you mean?" Lancaster questioned. He looked and sounded as though he was on edge. His legs were trembling and so was his voice. Jordan was speechless.

"I haven't met a Mage of your calibre in quite a while. Compared to your presence, this one is nothing but a weak ant."

"You mean Quill, right? Well, sorry for your troubles."

'Lancaster is apologizing?'

But Journal, this lady doesn't look strong at all. What's gotten into Lancaster?

"That won't do. I believe it's also Ashley's wish to end the life of a Mage whenever she gets the chance. So I believe I shall take you up on your earlier offer, Mage. What did you say: shut up and fight?"
