The average realized release rate over the past 30 days is 7 chs / week.
In a distant future where humanity has colonized the stars, archaeologists uncover a galactic “womb,” an ancient and sentient bio-construct containing what appear to be proto-deities—unfinished entities capable of reshaping reality.
These “unborn gods” are in a suspended state, awaiting completion by an unknown force. However, the discovery triggers a cataclysmic event: one of the beings awakens prematurely and begins altering the laws of physics, turning nearby civilizations into surreal, dreamlike versions of themselves.
The protagonist, Aela, a scientist struggling with her own mortality due to a rare genetic disease, discovers that the gods’ development mirrors her own failing body. She must decide whether to sacrifice herself to “complete” one of the gods and save the galaxy or let the universe dissolve into chaos.