Majnun much saw of many mosque was builder in Pajacombo, but Majnun it's not reminds when is it. But that's may have be when Majnun after get hallucination of he's being a shooting star and his mother just only believe of it. Then Majnun know that's The Aisyah is Agamemnon, because Agamemnon it's envier than heavier and that's while he was sleeping, Agamemnon look so sweet and full of piece. Because of this is not a reality, yes, this around of world it's not real, Majnun was have ever wanted to gone to the jungle and looking for the true love, because Dewa 19 have said, "Maybe I will found the true love, when I gone to die.." Majnun it so remember when he being a makmum of his mother, because his father it's not moslem before, because his father it's Catholic and like a song, "Many people hear the calling, but just a few the choice.." when Majnun share the Al-Kahfi verse.
But when Majnun meet Agamemnon, he know that's his true love is his brother, the Agamemnon, because Agamemnon envy if Majnun take the pray by salat, in mosque or just alone, Agamemnon being envy. Agamemnon so loving The Banery song, Majnun doesn't know and doesn't understand of it, but when Majnun sat in Kopi Bawah Pohon and being an Issac Newton, he playing The Banery music, and Majnun also remember that's Agamemnon so loving Cemburuisme song, but Majnun doesn't understand why people can be jealous or envy, it might be because Majnun thinking as winner, not just only push to being a winner, so Majnun it's seldom to laugh in upstairs of the losers, and maybe Felix K. Nesi it's remember when Majnun not being a choose in Sayembara Novel Dewan Kesenian Jakarta, when Felix K. Nesi being as number one the winner in Sayembara Novel Dewan Kesenian Jakarta and Majnun going to met Felix K. Nesi and say to the winner, "Congratulation, Kak Felix!" and then that's was the last Majnun been in Jakarta.
If you're real moslem, do not being kind similar of non-moslem that's eat something not real in moslem. The real moslem just eat cows, birds, camels, all of vegetables and all of coming from sea. If moslem very want to eat dog, they are not moslem anymore, they are not the real moslem. The core of moslem it's being a patient, not duplicate whatever like asal malantong se kind of that.