Ava Lee had a list of things she couldn't stand:
People who talked during movies.
Clients who ghosted after she set them up with perfect matches.
And now, at the top of that list, Ethan Chase.
She didn't know how he managed to worm his way into every corner of her life, but this time, he'd gone too far. Ava glared at the TV screen in her office lounge, where Ethan's smug face filled the frame.
"Is he sparkling?" Ava muttered under her breath. "Does he wear glitter? Or is his ego just that shiny?"
On screen, Ethan was sitting on the plush couch of Morning Brew, the city's most popular morning talk show. He looked as if he belonged there, dressed in a navy blazer that probably cost more than Ava's monthly rent. His dazzling smile had the host, Trina Marks, leaning forward like she was hanging on his every word.
"Tell us, Ethan," Trina cooed, "what makes Cupid's Algorithm different from all those… old-fashioned matchmaking services out there?"
"Oh, it's simple, Trina," Ethan said, flashing a grin that could power a small country. "We've taken the guesswork out of love. No messy intuition, no outdated traditions—just science. With Cupid's Algorithm, we can guarantee matches that are 99.9% compatible. That's why our clients are so satisfied."
Ava clenched her fists. "Satisfied, my ass. One of your matches almost started a fistfight over tofu."
Trina giggled. "That's so impressive. And how does it feel to be revolutionizing an industry that, let's be honest, is a little… behind the times?"
"Well," Ethan said, leaning back with a faux-humble shrug, "I'm just glad we can help people find love in a way that actually works. I think it's time we leave the old ways behind."
"Old ways?" Ava sputtered, staring at the screen. She whipped her head around to Kelly, who was trying to slink out of the room unnoticed. "Did he just call me old?"
Kelly raised her hands defensively. "I mean, technically, he didn't say your name—"
"It's implied!" Ava snapped. "And I am not old-fashioned!" She turned back to the screen, where Trina was now handing Ethan a golden mug that said Matchmaker of the Year.
"Oh, come on!" Ava groaned. "He's had his business for, what, two seconds? He doesn't even deserve that mug!"
Kelly winced. "Uh, you might not want to keep watching."
"Why?" Ava asked warily.
Kelly gestured to the TV, where Trina was now holding up a photo of Ava.
"Of course," Trina said, turning back to Ethan, "there are other matchmakers in the city—like Ava Lee. She's quite popular, isn't she?"
Ethan chuckled, the sound smooth and condescending. "Oh, Ava's great. She's been in the game for years, and she's got her… niche. But I think there's a reason we're seeing so many people switch to Cupid's Algorithm. People want something that works. Something modern."
The camera zoomed in on Ethan's grin as he added, "I mean, no one wants to rely on gut feelings and tea leaves anymore."
Ava's jaw dropped. "Tea leaves? Again with the tea leaves?!"
Kelly shuffled toward the door. "I'll just… leave you to this."
"Don't you dare!" Ava barked, grabbing her bag. "We're going to the studio."
Thirty minutes later, Ava was backstage at Morning Brew, pacing furiously while Kelly tried to talk her out of making a scene.
"Ava," Kelly whispered, "you're walking into a trap. He's probably going to twist everything you say!"
"I don't care," Ava hissed. "He called me old-fashioned. And a tea leaf reader. And smug. Okay, maybe he didn't say smug, but it's implied."
Kelly sighed. "Please don't get us banned from another public space."
Before Ava could respond, a production assistant appeared, clipboard in hand. "Ava Lee? You're up next."
Ava squared her shoulders. "Let's do this."
As soon as Ava stepped onto the set, she could feel Ethan's smirk burning a hole in her side. He stood as she approached, extending a hand like he wasn't actively trying to destroy her reputation.
"Ava!" he said warmly. "What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here."
Ava ignored his hand and turned to Trina, who looked both delighted and slightly nervous. "I just wanted to clarify a few things," Ava said, plastering on a smile.
"Well, this is unexpected," Trina said, motioning for Ava to sit. "We've never had two matchmakers on the show at the same time. This could be fun!"
Ethan chuckled. "Oh, it'll be fun. I'm sure Ava has plenty of insights to share."
"Yes," Ava said, sitting down. "Like how love is not a science experiment."
Trina's eyes sparkled. "Oooh, I feel a debate coming on. Let's talk about that. Ethan, why do you think your method is better than traditional matchmaking?"
Ethan leaned forward, his tone maddeningly patient. "It's not about being better—it's about being effective. My clients don't want to waste time. They want results. And that's what Cupid's Algorithm provides: results. Ava's methods are… charming, but they're not built for the modern world."
Ava crossed her arms. "What my clients get is real connection. Not numbers on a screen."
"Real connection?" Ethan repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Like the vegan and the hunter you set up?"
Ava felt her face heat up. "That was an anomaly!"
Trina clapped her hands. "I have an idea! Why don't we put both of your methods to the test?"
Both Ava and Ethan turned to her.
"A test?" Ethan asked, intrigued.
"Yes," Trina said, her excitement building. "Let's have a matchmaking challenge! You'll each take one of our viewers and set them up with a match using your respective methods. Then, we'll bring the couples back in a few weeks and see who created the better connection!"
Ethan's eyes lit up. "I love it."
Ava hesitated. "Well, I—"
"Great!" Trina said, cutting her off. "It's settled. Ava and Ethan, the matchmaking world is watching. May the best matchmaker win!"
The audience erupted into applause as Ava shot Ethan a murderous glare.
Back in the car, Ava slumped in her seat, groaning. "How do I always end up in these situations?"
Kelly gave her a look. "Because you can't stand letting him have the last word."
Ava sat up, her resolve hardening. "You're right. Which is why I'm going to win. And when I do, I'm going to make sure Ethan Chase eats his words."
Kelly sighed. "Just… promise me no sabotage this time."
"No promises," Ava muttered, already planning her next move.