蒙太奇:时间,人物和地点的有意义的拼贴画.福明城:全省最差的城市.破旧,偏远的建筑,人头攒动的狭窄街道和混乱的公共治安,这个地方一团糟.不到一周前,我从省会濝港市转学到这里,已经处于崩溃的边缘.梁局长说,只有像我这样杰出的侦探,才能管理像福明城这样的地方,这个贫民窟.但对我来说,这感觉更像是被放逐到边境!我叫何生.我在浩港市担任了五年的刑侦科队长.最近,我被调到这个被上帝遗弃的地方.最初,我非常沮丧,想把所有东西都扔掉,但最近出现的一个奇特案例引起了我的兴趣.我处理过各种离奇的案件,但 1 月初的一起案件让我感到特别怪异和可怕.那天晚上,我正在办公室整理文件,突然一个紧急电话打断了我的思绪."你好!这里是福明市派出所.电话的另一端一片死寂,甚至没有呼吸声.当呼叫者在求救电话中什么也没说时,这通常意味着他们处于高度危险的境地."别怕.你是不是被囚禁了,不能说话了?"..."令人毛骨悚然的寂静持续着,让我的头皮发麻.就在我准备进一步探查时,一个扭曲的声音从听筒中尖叫道:"救救我!请!快来救我吧!那个声音,因恐惧和紧迫而颤抖,性别难以区分,绝望地哭泣和乞求."告诉我你的位置,或者描述你周围能看到的任何东西,你的环境..."
张氏家族是福明市最大的房地产集团.集团董事长张辉龙手头有数十名保镖,现在报儿子失踪?绑架?赎金?"上级们非常重视这个案子.他们要求在一周内解决!刘局长继续说,分发了初步案卷."刘局长,我建议查阅监控录像,找到他最后已知的行踪!"我认真地提议."技术部的谢德广正在做这件事.我现在正在分配任务.何胜,你和小元德去技术部调查与张继业有关的监控录像."李思齐和高强,你们俩去张继业的社交圈看看.""张旺和刘超,协助谢德广审查张继野最近的接触情况!"下达任务后,刘局长专意转向我,严肃地说道:"何胜,作为刑侦科的队长,这个案子必须立即解决,否则你就可以亲吻你的职位了!"是的,酋长!明白了!他洪亮的声音几乎要炸破我的耳膜.我匆匆忙忙地走出了会议室.手头有案卷,我和小元德一起去了技术部,了解上次发现张继业手机信号的地方.谢德广告诉我们,根据电话记录,张继业于18日离家出走,在波旁大酒店,天汇网吧被人看到,最后消失在交鱼镇附近.We reviewed nearby surveillance footage and saw him appear at a factory entrance in Jiaoyu Town, holding his phone but using a nearby public telephone to make a call. He appeared highly distressed, trembling, and constantly looking around warily.There seemed to be bloodstains on his back, his clothes were tattered, and he was desperately pleading, "Help me! Please! Come save me!"Clutching his chest, he saw something through the glass of the phone booth that further heightened his anxiety, pushing him to the brink of collapse."Help me! Please! Come save me!"The haunting cry, like thunder from hell, repeated itself. Upon closer inspection, we noticed a flickering shadow standing behind him the entire time!Terrified of this figure, Zhang Jiye tried hiding in the phone booth to call for help.But shortly after, the surveillance footage became blurry, with water ripples appearing before the screen completely cut out. Xie Deguang explained, "The interference must have been caused by the perpetrator to prevent us from seeing the rest.""Interference?" I asked."Yes. Likely the work of the perpetrator. They didn't want us to see what happened next."Further analysis showed that Zhang Jiye was the one who called the police at 11 p.m. the night his phone signal disappeared. According to the call logs, the voice on the line matched the recording from earlier:"Hello! This is Fuming City Police Station."…Hearing this, Xiao Yuande turned to me and asked, "Why didn't you tell us earlier? Were you deliberately hiding something?"