In the eastern reaches of the continent of Zenith, lies the Kingdom of Iron Peaks, a prominent human settlement. Renowned for its vast plains and abundant iron ore, this kingdom is dedicated to crafting iron weapons, instruments. Its unique climate, characterized by three distinct seasons—a vibrant summer, a fleeting spring, and a long, harsh winter—shapes its people and their way of life.
The kingdom experiences a distinct seasonal cycle. Summer, the second longest season, spans the first four months of the year. Spring follows, a brief interlude lasting only three months. The remaining five months are dominated by winter, the harshest season.
To the west, the kingdom borders another human realm. To the east, a vast, ancient forest stretches towards the horizon. Southward, a colossal ocean extends as far as the eye can see, its depths unexplored. To the north, another human kingdom holds sway.
The Iron Peaks Kingdom has been under the rule of the Voltcrest family for generations. Six Great Families, each with unique powers, have supported the kingdom during countless wars against elves and ancient creatures. However, the Arclight family, the most powerful of all, remains aloof. Wielding the elements of fire and lightning, they live in seclusion in a remote village near the eastern forest where ancient beasts roam.
The Arclight family's mastery over lightning makes them the most feared and powerful in the continent of Zenith. Despite their immense strength, they prefer isolation.
The Great Families, each led by a powerful dual-elementalist, govern the kingdom's five major cities. These families control their own merchant groups and iron mines, contributing to the kingdom's economy and defense.
The kingdom's inhabitants rely on horse-drawn carriages and tamed beasts for transportation. The wealthy, such as the royal family and the Great Families, often utilize large, winged creatures for swift travel. A popular choice is a colossal bird, resembling a giant sparrow or eagle.
At the heart of the kingdom lies the capital city of Iron Peaks. This bustling metropolis, built of stone and earth, is dominated by the Iron Crest Castle, a formidable structure crafted from pure iron ore. Depleted of its magical energy, the castle stands impervious to the control of metal-wielding mages. It is said that the castle predates the great Dragon War, a cataclysmic event that occurred over ten thousand years ago.
In this world, individuals possessing elemental abilities are classified into ranks, ranging from the lowly F-rank to the godlike SSS-rank. Each rank is further divided into three tiers: lower, middle, and higher, denoting increasing levels of power.
F rank is known as the one star mage
E rank- two star mage
D rank- three star mage
C- four star mage
B- five star mage
A- six star mage
S- half moon mage
The other two are the demi god rank
SS- full moon mage
SSS- Twin moon mage
While some humans lack the ability to manipulate elemental energy, they possess their own unique power system. Human warriors are ranked similarly to mages, from F-rank to SSS-rank. However, their titles differ, ranging from One-Star Warrior to Sword God, reflecting their martial prowess.
F rank- one star warrior
E rank- two star warrior
D rank- three star warrior
C rank- four star warrior
B- five star warrior.
A- sword master warrior.
S- sword saint
And the other demi god rank are
SS- sun sword
SSS- sword god.