Chereads / Once Upon a Time The Ottoman Empire Book One / Chapter 16 - Chapter Sixteen: Welcome to Storybrooke

Chapter 16 - Chapter Sixteen: Welcome to Storybrooke

Location: Storybrooke, Maine's on December 25, 2013 at eight pm at night

Location: The sounds of both the Swan family vehicles and Nolan vehicle and the Jones vehicle rolling into town

Location: The Vehicle that the adults Mehmed and Lauren Swan are in

Lauren Swan: Well it's definitely creepy that's for sure.

Mehmed Swan: I agree with you on that one. So where are we supposed to meet this Mr. Gold at?

Lauren Swan: He said to meet him at his pawn shop to pick up the keys to the lofts.

Mehmed Swan: Did he tell you the name of the pawn shop?

Lauren Swan: He said it was called Golds Pawn Shop.

Mehmed Swan: There it is. It's right over there across from that diner.

Lauren Swan: Well why don't we park right over there and we'll walk over to the pawn shop.

Mehmed Swan: Sounds like a good plan to me.

Location: The sounds of all of the family vehicles parking across the street from Golds pawn shop and a two minute walk to Granny's diner

Location: The sounds of everyone getting out of there parked vehicles and all of the adults meeting up at Mehmed and Lauren's car

David Nolan: So where are we supposed to pick up these loft keys at?

Mehmed Swan: We're supposed to pick them up at Golds pawn shop.

David Nolan: Well why don't you guys grab the kids and head to Granny's diner for dinner. An I'll meet you guys there as soon as I get the keys to the lofts.

Lauren Swan: Sounds like a good plan to me. I know the baby is getting hungry.

Bahar Swan: I'm hungry.

Bala Swan: Same here.

Mehmed Swan: I don't mind getting something to eat. I'm sure Henry is hungry too. Considering its been a couple of hours since we last ate.

Everyone Present: Agree.

David Nolan: Well it's settled then. I'll go get the keys to our lofts and I will meet you guys at the diner.

Lauren Swan: Sounds like a good plan to me.

Bahar Swan: Agree.

Bala Swan: Agree.

John Jones: I agree.

Mehmed Swan: Same here.

Lauren Swan: See you soon.

David Nolan: See you soon.

Location: The sounds of David walking away from his family and heading towards Golds Pawn Shop

Location: The sounds of David opening the pawn shop doors and the sounds of the store bell going off and the sounds of David walking into the store and the sounds of the door closing right behind him

Gold: We are close for the evening.

David Nolan: I'm here to pick up some keys for two lofts that are being rented by you.

Rumple: Well hello Charming. It's been a long time deary.

David Nolan: So I'm guessing you remember your life in the Enchanted Forrest?

Rumple: Of course I do Charming. I'm not like everyone else in this town. So how is it I never notice you in town?

David Nolan: Well the reason why you never saw me around town before. It's because I was living in Boston for the past twenty years since the dark curse was casted.

Rumple: So its sounds like the wardrobe saved you from the dark curse.

David Nolan: It would seem so.

Rumple: So what brings you here all of the way from Boston?

David Nolan: I'm here to help my daughter break the dark curse that Regina casted on our people.

Rumple: She's here in Storybrooke?

David Nolan: Yes she is. She's here with her family.

Rumple: So she has a family. Good for her.

David Nolan: Well you better not mess with them Rumple or else your going to have to deal with me. Do you understand me?

Rumple: Understood. Hmm interesting.

David Nolan: What's interesting imp?

Rumple: The magic that is surrounding you right now is very interesting.

David Nolan: What do you mean by that Rumple?

Rumple: Well it would seem a protection spell of some kind is surrounding you.

David Nolan: How do you know that?

Rumple: Because I can see it surrounding your body. It's also hiding your appearance of who you are from those who are cursed.

David Nolan: So you're saying my wife won't even recognize me?

Rumple: For now. But the connection between the two of you is still there. She will not be able to resist the pull towards you.

David Nolan: Well that's good. Will Regina be able to see me or will the magic hide my appearance from her?

Rumple: Yes it will. It will protect your appearance from her. She will have no idea who you are.

David Nolan: Well that's good. That'll definitely make things easier as far as helping my daughter in breaking the curse.

Rumple: Agree.

David Nolan: Wait you want the curse to be broken. Why?

Rumple: I have my reasons Charming. Which is none of your concern.

David Nolan: Ok. Then can I have the keys to our condos.

Rumple: Of course.

David Nolan: Thank you.

Rumple: Of course. Your lofts are on the third level. They are loft number C3 and C4.

David Nolan: Ok and thank you.

Rumple: See you around Mr. Nolan.

Location: The sounds of David leaving the shop

Rumple: So it has begun.

Location: Storybrooke, Maine Grannys Diner on December 25, 2013 at eight pm at night

Location: The sounds of the Swan and Jones family walking into the diner

Ruby: Hi welcome to Granny's diner.

Lauren Swan: Thank you. It's good to be here.

Ruby: Henry is that you?

Henry Swan: Yeah Ruby its me. I'm with my real mom now.

Ruby: So your Henry's biological mother?

Lauren Swan: That is correct. My name is Lauren.

Ruby: It's very nice to meet you Lauren and I am so happy that you and Henry have been reunited.

Lauren Swan: Thank you Ruby.

Ruby: You're welcome. I'm guessing we are here to eat?

Lauren Swan: That is correct.

Ruby: How many do you have?

Lauren Swan: We have six adults and three kids. Two of the kids our toddlers.

Ruby: Ok. Give me a couple minutes to get something together.

Lauren Swan: Ok thank you.

Ruby: You're welcome.

Location: The sounds of Ruby gathering some tables and chairs together for a couple of minutes

Mehmed Swan: So who's that?

Lauren Swan: That's my moms best friend Red and that woman over there is Granny. Red's grandmother.

Ruby: You're table is ready.

Lauren Swan: Thank you.

Location: The sounds of everyone walking over to their table and sitting down

Ruby: I notice that are only five adults here. But you said you had six adults. Did I mishear you?

Lauren Swan: No you heard me correctly. He's just currently grabbing our keys to our lofts from Mr. Gold.

Ruby: Wait your moving here?

Lauren Swan: That is correct. The governor of Maine asked me if I would be willling to become the new captain of the sheriffs department. So I accepted the job.

Ruby: That's wonderful. Welcome to Storybrooke.

Lauren Swan: Thank you.

Ruby: So what can I get you guys to drink?

Mehmed Swan: Can we have seven waters please?

Ruby: Of course. Coming right up.

Location: The sounds of Ruby walking away to get the waters

Henry Mills: Mom can I have a burger and fries please?

Lauren Swan: Of course you can buddy.

Henry Mills: Thank you.

Lauren Swan: You're welcome buddy.

Mehmed Swan: What are you thinking about getting honey?

Lauren Swan: I'm thinking about getting a burger and fries. Baby is craving it.

Mehmed Swan: I can understand that. Whatever baby wants. Baby gets.

Lauren Swan: Agree.

Mehmed Swan: What are you thinking about getting Bahar?

Bahar Swan: I'm thinking about getting grilled cheese with French fries.

Mehmed Swan: That sounds good. What are you thinking about getting Bala?

Bala Swan: I'm thinking about getting some lasagna.

Mehmed Swan: That sounds good.

Lauren Swan: What are you thinking about getting honey?

Mehmed Swan: I'm thinking about getting a burger and fries as well.

Lauren Swan: Sounds good.

Ruby: Here's your water.

Lauren Swan: Thank you Ruby.

Ruby: You're welcome. Are you guys ready to order your food?

Lauren Swan: You guys ready?

Everyone Present: Ready.

Ruby: Excellent. What can I get you guys?

Mehmed Swan: Can I have the burgers and fries please?

Ruby: Of course.

Lauren Swan: Can I have burger and fries as well please?

Ruby: Yes of course.

Bahar Swan: Can I have grilled cheese and fries please?

Ruby: Of course you can.

Bala Swan: Can I have the lasagna please?

Ruby: Of course.

John Jones: Can I have burger and fries to please?

Ruby: Of course.

Henry Mills: Can I have the burger and fries as well please Ruby?

Ruby: Of course you can Henry. Do the little ones want any food?

Mehmed Swan: We fed these two little ones a while ago. So they are all good.

Ruby: Alright then. I'll go and put your orders in.

Lauren Swan: Thank you Ruby.

Ruby: You're welcome.

Location: The sounds of Ruby walking away from them

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Hey Ruby. Looks like my date is a no show. Can I have my check please?

Ruby: Of course Mary.

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Thank you. Hey Ruby can I ask you a question?

Ruby: Of course you can Mary. What's up?

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Who are those people over there?

Ruby: That's the new captain of the sheriffs department. Her name is Lauren. She's also Henry's biological mother.

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Wait that's Henry biological mother?

Ruby: That's right.

Mary Margaret Blanchard: That's awesome. I'm so glad Henry has been reunited with his biological mother.

Ruby: I agree Mary. I agree. So I will go and grab your check for you.

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Thank you Ruby.

Ruby: You're welcome.

Location: The sounds of Ruby walking away from Mary Margaret to go and grab Mary's check and to also put in the Swan family order

Location: Ten minutes Later

Ruby: You're food should be ready in a couple more minutes.

Lauren Swan: Thank you Ruby. I really appreciate it.

Ruby: You're welcome.

Mary Margaret Blanchard: See you later Ruby.

Ruby: See you later Mary.

Location: The sounds of Mary leaving the diner

Henry Mills: Hey mom. That was your mom Snow.

Lauren Swan: Your sure buddy?

Henry Mills: I'm sure mom.

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Let me go Whale!

Henry Mills: Mom Mary Margaret is in trouble.

Lauren Swan: Mehmed can you come and help me please?

Mehmed Swan: You got it. Let's go.

Henry Mills: Be careful mom.

Lauren Swan: I will. You stay in here ok.

Henry Mills: Ok.

Location: The sounds of both Mehmed and Lauren leaving the diner

Mary Margaret Blanchard: Let me go Whale! Let me go!