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Once Upon a Time The Ottoman Empire Book One

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Narrator: The birth of a hero, a savior and a future ruler who will help reunite other nations. Also it would create both a new nation and a new kingdom as well. She will not only be doing that. She will also reunite with her long lost son. She will also be breaking a dark curse. She will reunite with her parents. She will also be doing all of that while she’s pregnant with her second child. But her first child with her husband as well. She will also have her husband other wife helping her as well. Also they will have to protect not only her son Henry. But there son Orhan through her husband’s first wife as well. She will also have the help from her father Prince Charming as well. They have a lot to protect. But they know they have to do everything in their power to not only protect their family. But also save their family as well. Let the journey begin. Once upon a time…..

Chapter 1 - Chapter One: The Birth of the Savior and Start of a Journey

Location: Prince Charming and Snow Whites castle the curse about to strike them and take them to the landwithout magic on December 18, 1993

Snow White: Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! It hurts Charming. It really hurts.

Prince Charming: I know it hurts sweetheart. But you got to push. You got to push with everything you got and soon we'll be holding our beautiful baby daughter in our arms. Now push Snow!

Snow White: How did you know I was about to have another contraction. Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!

Doc: The babies head is crowning Snow. Just a few more pushes or so and your beautiful child will be here in the world. To meet both of its parents.

Prince Charming: You hear that Snow. Just a

few more big pushes and our daughter will be here.

Snow White: Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!

Doc: Another one Snow. Push!

Snow White: Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!

Location: The sounds of the dark curse approaching Snow White and Prince Charming's castle

Location: The dirt road about two miles away from Snow White and Prince Charming's castle and the sounds of galloping horses of Regina's dark army approaching the castle

Evil Queen Regina: Yaw! Yaw! Come on boy! Let's go! Yaw! Yaw! Yaw (then looking back at her soldiers! Keep up you idiot slow pokes! I want to get to the castle before my dark curse does. Yaw! Yaw! Yaw!

Location: The sounds of the dark soldiers picking up the pace

All of the Dark Soldiers : Yaw! Yaw! Yaw!

Location: Prince Charming and Snow Whites castle five minutes later

Location: Prince Charming and Snow Whites Bed Chamber

Snow White: Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!

Doc: Alright Snow I just need you to give me one more big and powerful push. Then your child will be with us in the world.

Prince Charming: You here that Snow. Just one more big push and our beautiful daughter will be here. Just one more big push Snow. Just one more.

Snow White: Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!

Baby Lauren Charming: Waah! Waah! Waah! Waah! Waah!

Doc: Congratulations Snow. Charming. You have a beautiful baby daughter.

Snow White: Look at her Charming. She's so beautiful. Are beautiful baby daughter.

Prince Charming: I agree with you on that one Snow. Are daughter is beautiful.

Location: The sounds of both the dark curse and Regina's army getting closer to the castle

Snow White: Charming.

Location: The sounds of Marco running into the room through the chamber doors

Marco: The wardrobe is ready.

Snow White: Charming the wardrobe only takes one person.

Prince Charming: What are you trying to say Snow?

Snow White: You need to take our daughter to the wardrobe.

Prince Charming: No Snow there must be another way.

Snow White: You and I both know there's no

other way Charming. The only way we can save our daughter from this curse Charming. Is by putting our daughter through the wardrobe.

Prince Charming: Are you sure about this Snow? Because once we do this there is no going back. You understand that right?

Snow White: I do Charming. I totally understand what I'm about to do. I also want to make sure that our daughter has her best chance at life as well.

Location: The sounds of both the dark curse and Regina's dark army getting closer to the castle

Prince Charming: Alright then. Let's do this then. Because it sounds like the dark curse is getting closer. So if we want to do this. We have to do this now.

Snow White: I love you Lauren. Please find


Location: The sounds of Snow handing over her infant daughter to Charming so he can take their infant daughter to the wardrobe

Location: The sounds of Regina's dark army getting inside their palace

Snow White: Go. Go now Charming. Before Regina finds our daughter and tries to stop you from putting our daughter inside the wardrobe.

Prince Charming: I love you Snow.

Snow White: I love you to Charming.

Location: The sounds of Regina's dark army getting deeper inside of their castle

Snow White: Go now Charming! Go now!

Location: The sounds of Charming kissing his wife and his wife kissing their baby daughter on the head one more time

Location: The sounds of Charming running to the chamber doors and opening the doors and then the sounds of Charming running out of the room and running down the hallway heading towards the wardrobe

Location: The sounds of Snow crying for what she just done for her infant daughter

Location: Three minutes later of Prince Charming running down the hallway with their infant daughter in his arms

Location: The sounds of four dark soldiers charging at Charming with swords in their hands and the sounds of Charming unsheathing his own sword

Location: The sounds of swords clashing with each other against Charming and the four soldiers for two minutes

Soldier Number One: Ahhh! Hah! Hah!

Prince Charming: Hah! Hah! Hah!

Baby Lauren Charming: Waah! Waah! Waah!

Waah! Waah!

Soldier Number Two and Three: Ahhh! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Prince Charming: Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Location: The sounds of soldiers numbers two and three falling to the floor dead

Soldier Number Four: Ahhh! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Prince Charming: Ow! Ahhh! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Location: The sounds of soldier number four falling to the ground dead from his wound

Baby Lauren Charming: Waah! Waah! Waah!

Waah! Waah!

Prince Charming: It's going to be ok baby girl. I promise you that. It'll be all over soon and you will be safe. You have my word on that.

Location: The sounds of Charming running down the corridor again for another five minutes and then he runs into Lauren's nursery where the wardrobe is located at

Location: The sounds of Charming standing in front of the wardrobe and the sounds of Charming opening the small doors to the wardrobe

Baby Lauren Charming: Waah! Waah! Waah! Waah! Waah!

Prince Charming: Find us baby girl. Find us.

Location: The sounds of more soldiers coming towards his daughter's room

Location: The sounds of Charming putting his daughter inside of the wardrobe and closing the wardrobe doors right behind her

Prince Charming: I love you my sweet baby girl.

Location: The sounds of Regina and her dark army soldiers entering Lauren's room

Evil Queen Regina: Hello Charming. Where's the child at?

Prince Charming: Your to late Regina. My

daughter is already gone.

Evil Queen Regina: What!

Location: The sounds of the Evil Queen Regina's magic sending Charming to the wardrobe and hitting the wardrobe very hard and then a strange kind of magic emits from the wardrobe and Prince Charming disappears without a trace and the sounds of Regina screaming in anger and then the dark curse swept over the entire castle and the wardrobes magic erases Regina's memory about what happened to Prince Charming

Location: Twenty years later on December 17, 2013 in Boston, Massachusetts outside of the Lanero Restraunt at seven at night

Location: The Yellow Bug where Lauren Swan is sitting in and who is also six months pregnant with her second child as well

Location: The sounds of Lauren Swan putting on last minute make-up on herself before going in to capture her next escaped bounty and then she hears her cell phone ringing

inside of her purse

Lauren Swan: Hey Bala. Is everything alright at home? Is little Orhan and Bayezid ok?

Bala Swan:Everything is fine. Me, Bayezid and Orhan are just fine.

Lauren Swan: Well I'm happy to hear that. So what's up?

Bala Swan: I was wondering if you'll be able to make it home in time for both Orhan's and Bayezid's bedtime tonight?

Lauren Swan: If everything goes well with this bounty and their's no complications with it. I should be able to make it back home before Orhan's and Bayezid's bedtime.

Bala Swan: Ok. Just promise me you'll be careful. Please. Sometimes you have the tendency to forget that your six months pregnant.

Lauren Swan: I won't forget. I promise. Also I promise you I will be careful tonight.

Bala Swan: Ok. I will see you later on tonight.

Lauren Swan: See you later on tonight. Love you guys. Give Orhan and Bayezid kisses for me.

Bala Swan: Love you to and I will.

Location: The sounds of Lauren pressing the end call off button and putting it back inside her clutch

Location: The sounds of Lauren getting out of the yellow bug and closing the yellow bugs door

Location: The sounds of Lauren walking inside of the restaurant and walking over to the hostess with a smile on her face

Lauren Swan: Hi I'm meeting a Mr. Carson here. My name is Lauren Ruso. It's the other name on the reservation.

The Hostess: Yes of course Ms. Ruso. Mr. Carson is sitting right over here. If you'll please follow me. I'll show you to the table.

Lauren Swan: Thank you.

Location: The sounds of Lauren and the hostess walking over to the table where her target is sitting at and not knowing what's about to happen to him

Location: The sounds of her target getting out of his chair to greet her

Mr. Carson: Ms. Ruso?

Lauren Swan: Please call me Lauren. Everyone does.

Mr. Carson: Lauren. That's a very pretty name.

Lauren Swan: Thank you. I think so as well. Shall we sit?

Mr. Carson: Yes of course. Let me help you with your chair.

Location: The sounds of Mr. Carson moving around the table and pulling the chair out for Lauren not noticing thanks to Lauren's magic cloaking the man's eyes to the fact that she's seven months pregnant

Location: The sounds of Lauren sitting down in the chair and the sounds of Mr. Carson pushing the chair back against the table and the sound of him walking back around the table and finally the sounds of Mr. Carson pushing the chair back against the table and

the sound of him walking back around the table and finally the sounds of him sitting back down in his chair and scooting back in against the table as well

Mr. Carson: So what is it that you do exactly Lauren? Your profile says that you do all sorts of different jobs with a job agency.

Lauren Swan: That's right. But I mostly correlate with the local court houses lately.

Mr. Carson: What do you do with the local

court houses exactly?

Lauren Swan: Oh I help them in finding people.

Mr. Carson: What sort of people do you help them find exactly?

Lauren Swan: Oh I help them find people

who have out on bail and who are also on trial for crimes they have committed as well. Like for example in your case Mr. Theodore Weller. You have embezzled millions of dollars from your clients at your accounting firm that you run. So sadly all of your accounts have been frozen because of the trial case that the

government has against you currently. So sadly your wife had to be the one who had to bail you out of jail by taking out a second mortgage out on your house. In order to pay for the issued payment amount made by your trial judge. Not even two days later after the bail bond was paid. You had the audacity in

stealing all of your wife's jewelry and also stealing all of the money from your three children's college funds as well. Then you had the audacity in skipping town and decided to put up a dating profile on a local dating website. Not even a week later after skipping town. Am I assuming all of this correctly Mr.


Theodore Weller: Wait are you telling me that you're a….

Lauren Swan: A court trial bounty hunter.

Then to answer your question. Yes I am court trial bounty hunter and I am here tonight to apprehend you. An bring you back to your home town to face prosecution and also to face your wife. Who you have whole heartedly betrayed as well.

Location: The sounds of Mr. Weller getting up from the table and pushing the entire table at Lauren and then running to the back of the restaurant and out the back door of the restaurant

Lauren Swan: Why do they always run.

Location: The sounds of Lauren running right behind him and heading out the door to chase him down the back alleyway and then she heard a noise of someone falling onto the ground

Location: The sounds of Lauren stopping seeing her suspect on the ground then seeing the person who did it right next to him

Lauren Swan: Thank you for your help. My suspect was a lot faster at running away than I originally thought.

David Nolan: No problem. I'm happy that I was able to help. David Nolan I'm a court bounty hunter on the other side of Boston.

Lauren Swan: Lauren Swan and if you'll excuse me David I need to get this guy to the local police station. Also thank you again for

your help.

David Nolan: Yeah no problem.

Location: The sounds of Lauren walking away with her suspect and David watching her walking away

Location: The sounds of John Jones walking up right behind David a few minutes after Lauren left with her suspect and standing right next to him

John Jones: So when are you going to tell your daughter who you really are?

David Nolan: As soon as she drops her suspect off at the police station. Then I'll tell her who I am.

John Jones: Will then we better get going. That way when your daughter is done dropping her suspect off. That way you can talk to her right after she comes out of the local police station.

David Nolan: Sounds good.

Location: The sounds of both John and David walking back to their car and heading towards the local police station

Location: Boston Station 126 twenty minutes later at the front desk

Desk Sargent of 126: Another good catch on the books Lauren. You have been on a role these past few weeks. Even with you being seven months with child.

Lauren Swan: Thank you Sargent. That means a lot. But actually if it weren't for this other bounty hunter punching my suspect in

the back alley. If it weren't for him I probably wouldn't have been able to catch him. I can tell you this much Sargent this suspect was a fast runner.

Desk Sargent of 126: I believe you. By the way Lauren. What was the name of this bounty hunter who helped you catch this suspect?

Lauren Swan: He said his name is David Nolan. He said he works on the other side of Boston as a trial bounty hunter.

Desk Sargent of 126: Wow David Nolan. Wow he's like a legend here in Boston. He's been working as a bounty hunter for almost twenty years now.

Lauren Swan: Wait your saying he's been doing bounty hunting for over twenty years?

Desk Sargent of 126: That's right.

Lauren Swan: I wonder what got him into bounty hunting.

Desk Sargent of 126: Well according to what I have heard over the years. He became bounty hunter was so he could use the system to find his long lost daughter.

Lauren Swan: Wait he became a court bounty hunter in order to find his daughter?

Location: Memory flashbacks from twenty years ago in the enchanted forrest

Snow White: I love you Lauren. Please find us.

Location: Then moving to the next memory flashback

Soldier Number Four: Ahhh! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Prince Charming: Ow! Ahhh! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Location: Then moving to the last memory flashback

Prince Charming: Find us baby girl. Find us.

Location: The sounds of more soldiers coming towards his daughter's room

Location: The sounds of Charming putting his daughter inside of the wardrobe and closing the wardrobe doors right behind her

Location: End of memory flashbacks

Desk Sargent of 126: That's right. To be honest I really feel bad for the guy. Not being able to raise your own child. It just breaks my

heart. Hey Lauren are you ok?

Lauren Swan: Yeah I'm ok. The baby just gave me a strong kick against my bladder that's all.

Desk Sargent of 126: Ok I just wanted to make sure you were ok that's all. Also the reason I asked is because you went a little bit pale all of a sudden.

Lauren Swan: Thank you for asking Sargent. I

greatly appreciate it thank you.

Desk Sargent of 126: You're most welcome Lauren. Here you go Lauren the check for the bounty.

Lauren Swan: Thank you sergeant. I greatly appreciate it thank you.

Desk Sergeant of 126: You're most welcome Lauren.

Lauren Swan: Oh yikes. I didn't realize what time it was. I need to get home and put my son to bed.

Desk Sergeant of 126: Yes of course. Please tell Bala that I said hello for me and you have a wonderful evening Mrs. Swan.

Lauren Swan: I will and you have a wonderful evening as well sergeant. See you next time.

Desk Sergeant of 126: See you next time Lauren.

Location: The sounds of Lauren walking away from the desk sergeant and walking down the stairs and then the sounds of her opening the door and walking out the door and stopping dead in her tracks when she saw the person she had memory flashbacks of just a few

minutes ago