Chereads / Dungeon Controller / Chapter 14 - Leader’s Action

Chapter 14 - Leader’s Action

After the leader of the humans heard of the total destruction of the settlement they built outside the dungeon he couldn't help but feel scared. Pondering what to do he asks for the other leaders to meet with him to discuss a plan.


"Amara and Durrak! I'm glad you two made it here so quickly. This is about the dungeon in the forest of Indica that has caused us great trouble." The Human leader says as they enter the room.

"Harrold, we entrusted that dungeon to your troops hoping you could handle it. Must we lend you our strength to handle a measly new dungeon. We have already taken care of our new dungeons." Durrak the dwarf says in displeasure.

"I'm still waiting to hear back from my gold star soldier who should be in the dungeon as we speak but what troubles me is they destroyed and killed a settlement I built within hours. There where over 100 humans and some of them where nearly at the gold star level." Harrold says.

As Amara the leader of the elves was about to talk the doors open as a human soldiers walks in. This soldier was none other than the four gold star sniper who excels in stealth and long range attacks. He quickly kneels down.

"My lord, sorry for interrupting but I have important news for you. The demon from the dungeon was seen leaving the forest, to avoid any further destruction I have killed the beast. I suggest we prepare for a full out assault, with our best men." He explains quickly.

"Thank you! Please leave us to this meeting and we will discuss what to do." Harrold says, the soldier walks out closing the doors behind him.

"So as I was going to say. Why don't you get the strongest force available to you. You have many five gold stars in your country. Just take 50 to 100 of them and raid the dungeon till it dies" Amara asks.

"I agree but the worry is if the dungeon kills even one of them that's a huge blow to our overall strength. If we all agree that's the only way, then we should all build an army to fight the dungeon." Harrold explains.

"I won't put my soldiers into the army but I'm happy to commission any weapons or items needed to help destroy the dungeon." Durrak says.

"Your welcome to five of our soldiers if you need." Amara says.

They finish the meeting, once the two other leaders leave Harrold sits down with a sigh. Hopefully this is enough to wipe out that dungeon and end this chaos. Shortly after he receives a letter from a royal pigeon.

It reads "My lord, our village is under attack by countless 9 silver star skeletons wearing royal armour and swords. We have no hope in defending please send help."

Fear floods Harrold as he reads the letter, quickly he calls out "Fural! Here now!"

Instantly the room dims as a human figure appears in the centre of the room. "You called lord?"

"Fural as our only 6 gold star soldier, please gather 50 5 gold star soldiers and prepare for an assault on the dungeon in the forest of indica. The elves have 5 soldiers coming and the dwarves have said they will make as many items or weapons as we need." Harrold explains.

"Understood lord" he says before disappearing and the light returning to normal.

After a day the soldiers from the elves and the items from the dwarves arrived. The soldiers all head off to the dungeon.

Stopping off at towns on their way to see what town was under attack and try and provide support. Shortly they arrive at the village of Oak a small village just outside of the forest of Indica. From the outside everything looks normal, they race through the front gate, suddenly the gate shuts behind them and they are surrounded by nearly 200 skeletons. Most weak in the copper star stage but some in the late silver star stage. After an hour passes the skeleton's bones litter the ground as some of the soldiers fall to the ground.

The elves get to healing all the injured.

"We didn't expect to be attacked by a hoard of over 200 skeletons." One of the soldiers state.

"Yeah… if we where prepared we wouldn't of even been injured by these skeletons." Another soldier says.

"Soldiers! Settle down! I know our moral has been tarnished but remember we are powerful and strong. Let's heal up and continue forward." Fural yells to his soldiers, little did they know that this town was set up to warn Clay and the other minions of invaders not an attack.

After they have all recovered they leave the village and hastily make their way to the dungeon. Passing the settlement that was destroyed previously.

Arriving at the entrance of the dungeon they swiftly entered and destroyed all monster on the first floor taking them not even 5 minutes to make it to the second floor a giant grave yard full of skeletons, but like the first floor they swiftly made it through to the boss room in 10 minutes. In the boss room they quickly took out the boss but lost two human soldiers while in the dungeon.

Arriving on the third floor they are attacked by ghosts and fire spirits leading to many casualties due to their immunity to physical damage. Luckily Fural packed magic items that could damage the monsters in this floor. With the loss of one elf soldier and four human soldiers they quickly moved to the boss room.

They swarm the boss as explosions fill the air, taking out four elves and three humans before the boss dies. Everyone exhausted from continues fighting and the intense heat they are instantly transported to the main room in the dungeon where they see the demon that supposedly destroyed the settlement, its power easily on par with Fural. Then there stands an old man draped in a black robe, its power easily on par with some of the stronger dwarves. What made all the knights worry and panic more was not the relaxed human figure at the back but the towering lady infront of him, its power weaker than the old man but much more forceful and destructive.

"Welcome human army! We have been expecting you. I made sure to take care of those pesky magic users for you. Oh and don't worry about this strong one, she won't attack till the others have fallen." Clay says as he grins.

The remaining 42 human soldiers draw their weapons and attack in unison as Fural waits to see what happens.

Amon quickly covers his weapon in fire and launches into attacks quickly slicing through multiple humans at once cutting them in half like they where butter. In minutes half of the humans lay in pools of their blood, the other half of the humans back off. As Amon stops attacking and steps back 15 of the humans reanimate as they stand back up their flesh slowly falls off of them as they grab their weapons and charge for the humans.

Fural this time charges for Amon and initiates an intense battle, after nearly 10 minutes Fural's blade dices Amon into peices, only for Amon to put himself back together and continue fighting. This happens four more times before Fural's fatigue causes him to be impailed by Amon's spear.

"See you humans can't match us! We can defy death you can't!" Amin yells as he throws Fural's dead body to the ground.

Another 10 minutes pass as the last of the humans fall to the ground dead.

"Good job everyone! Wrath! Take all of these dead humans and skeletons to the village and set it up again. It's time we prepare for taking on more dungeons ourselves and establish ourselves as one of the top dungeon." Clay says before sending him off.