Wisping wheat waving in the wind
The Harvester's scythe slices the stalks thinly,
And severs their sins.
Oh! Old Harvester, who reaps the stalks with heavy spirit.
His bone-white hands heave the crescent blade,
And the waving wheat fear it.
Cut from their roots,
The fiber stems meander
Sailing the wind, they pass on by Flanders.
And through Orleans, or some other Deathfield.
The cities of plagues
The corpse and his shield
Did not protect him, or her or them.
Now they are gone
Lost like a stem
Of one ear of wheat, or ten or more
A thousand, billions even
Abandoned from their wars
Now they float on the river Styx,
Leaving the Harvester alone.
Forever to toil His fields of grain.
His labors, forever unknown…