Chereads / the day we first met / Chapter 36 - this ( Q ) pt.3

Chapter 36 - this ( Q ) pt.3

Vol - 5 ' an old ending '

Ch 3 / 4

He ran back to where raitha and ritika were. But surprisingly there was no one there, no trace of ritika nor raitha.

He looked around hoping they would are near but fate did not take him to them. Instead he found an old small statue which had it's name plate attached in it.

" God of love ? Is there really such gods. "

The statue was still in good condition as though someone had just cleaned it, it did not feel like it's years old which was oddly suspicious for shyam as he has heard this shiene has been abandoned and anyone who comes here dies.

Though he still tried to continue his search but the moment he tried to go out of that room where the statue was, he got trapped by an invisible barrier.

He tried to punch it kick it but nothing worked, every effort he did was a failure.

Tired shyam sat on the floor trying to think of a better solution when suddenly a stunning voice struck his ears. That voice echoed through the room and shyam found himself in a yellow dimension.

Everything, everywhere he looked he saw yellow and only yellow when suddenly that same voice spoke.

"What is this? An outsider, are you? Speak, mortal—what purpose does your visit serve today? Perhaps I may grant you the privilege of my knowledge."

It was a lady who looked just like that statue, though her figure said she's not older than 30 years but her sence of words and manners were clear she wasn't.

And how can we forget, she was the god of love.

Shyam was stunned by her sudden appearance, he stood there silently waiting for this dream to end, but when nothing happened for a while he pinched his arm, " ouch, it hurt. Which means, you are real !? But how ? "

Seeing shyam act like an idiot made her smile, a smile almost unseen, her long silver hair danced in the yellow scenery, her blue eyes and lips as red as a rose cought shyam off gourd.

He quickly looked away hoping to avoid eye contact, but the goddess seemed to like playing with him. She somehow disappeared from where she originally was and re-appeared in front of his eyes as she said.

"Ah, so you carry someone within your heart! How delightful. To witness the young mortals of this era daring to tread the path of love—it is indeed a wondrous sight to behold."

Her words flew in the air like leaves in fall, finally reaching shyam's ears, soft yet heart touching.

For a moment shyam could not think of anything to say, a god was standing in front of him, real of fake, he had to answer waisely.

His hands were shaking and sweat was falling even in a perfect temperature. Seeing him struggle for his life the goddess moved afew foots away.

As she spoke

"I see the reason behind your unspoken love. Mortal, if you cannot summon the courage to answer a simple question, how then can you hope to voice the depths of your love for the one who holds your heart?"

Though her tone soft as of a goddess which made shyam believe she is someone Devine even more.

Though the words she spoke reached deep within him, so deep he himself could not reach it.

Finally after gathering the courage to replay, he opened his mouth trying to send out the words he had been holding in.

As he said " it's not like I don't have the courage, it's just. I fear... I fear of losing her, what if she does not hold the same feelings for me ? What if the littlest relationship we have as friends breaks apart aswell.

What if she declines to be with me and ignores me ?. She is the only one I have got in my life, and i can't afford to lose her, but it seems... It seems i really don't have the courage, now do i "

His voice got slower and quieter as he finished his sentences. He tighten his hands looking down to his feets his eyes had stored a lot of tears which he struggled to hold back in.

"Such a sorrowful soul you bear. I wonder, is it truly your desire to remain friends forever, or to be united in more? It is not a sin to express the feelings that reside within you, even if she does not mirror your affections. Fear not, for even if her heart does not echo yours, she shall not turn away from you. Know this, mortal—this is the counsel I offer, as the God of Love."

The figure which was shining through the yellow room slowly faded away as she said "Now, go and speak the truth of your heart to her. If you do not, this room shall remain closed to you, and you will find no escape. Know that the barrier that binds you is not of this world, but of your own unspoken desires. Only by revealing your love will you break free from its grasp."

Suddenly he came back to reality and the statue which once stood was broken into pieces. The encouragement she gave was the litile push shyam needed to express how he felt about raitha, what he really wanted was to be with her. Forever, till he is no longer alive. Even so, he wishes to be free with her soul even after death calls.

To be continued..