But no matter how much his Canine other half wanted to go into the field and fetch the ball, he couldn't. His Chieftain was adamant in his orders to never interfere with the things of the humans. After all, they needed to earn their favor, not their ire.
So, the Orcanine Orc stayed his hand and allowed himself to simply watch the strange ritual of the Rebornians.
The Dragonborn once again threw the ball towards the one opposite her, and just like before, the demi-human's swing missed by just a hair's width, landing on the mitt cleanly.
"Argh!" the Orcanine groaned. He felt like he could have done better if he was in the position of the catfolk holding the bat.
But of course, he had to let go of his urges and simply watch as it unfolded.
Through observation, the Orc rightly assumed that this was some kind of competition between the two teams. And it seemed that whoever hit the ball with their bat would end up winning the rivalry between the two.