"Are you sure she's here?"
A woman wearing a hat that covered her eyes and a scarf that covered her mouth whispered to a nearby wall.
"Yes, Madam…she entered the Magic Tower under an hour ago," replied the shadow cast over the wall.
After hearing such good praises from Fudge, Lylia decided to take a closer look at this girl for herself. For all she knew, the girl could have simply used some tricks to deceive the ninja slime. Although useful, Lylia knew Fudge could be quite of a ditz sometimes.
If someone was going to be her son's partner, then they better be someone who deserved him. In her eyes, Michael was the perfect little boy who had absolutely no flaws and no weaknesses. His partner should have at least one or two of those traits.
So, Lylia and Fudge devised a little scenario to determine if Yuna had good intentions with her son.