Kirigaya Ryugamine, an average middle school boy in Class 2-C, has black hair and brown eyes. Despite his ordinary appearance, he consistently ranks among the top ten in his class. His passion lies in drawing, particularly sketching, and he has a deep interest in psychological books and light novels. However, he keeps his sketches hidden, fearing criticism. He hasn't joined any clubs at school.
One morning, he wakes up early and heads to his usual hangout spot-a quiet place where he often spends time reading and drawing after school. There, he notices a girl with long black hair, dressed in the same uniform of his middle school. He doesn't recognize her and knows nothing about her.
Later that day, through his friends, he learns something about the mysterious girl. From that moment, begins the journey of a connection that transcends mere friendship. As their bond grows, Kirigaya finds himself navigating a whirlwind of emotions and facing difficult decisions that will shape his future.