When their time in the market was over, Selene and Xavier rode around in the carriage a bit more wasting time until they were to head to Francesca's home.
"Are you tired? Maybe we should have gone home to rest before arriving," Selene said, thinking she might have overdone how much she did today.
It had been a long day but Selene enjoyed every bit of it. It was her first time being out around the town with Xavier. With the growing gossip and attacks, Selene didn't know when another day like this would come so she had to enjoy it now.
"I am not tired but we will need some blood when we get there," Xavier replied.
"I do," Selene agreed, touching her temple. "I've been feeling a little faint for some time now. With all the fun that we were having, I forgot we needed blood."
"You enjoyed yourself that much?" Xavier asked, wanting to hear more about what she enjoyed.