The next day, Isaac arrived at the estate. For the first time, visiting Xavier's home was better than going to the palace.
Still, coming to the Blackthorn estate was a headache. How was Xavier planning to bother him today?
"Good morning, Harold. You look as lifeless as ever," Isaac greeted the stoic butler. "Where is Lord Blackthorn waiting for me? I hope he hasn't forgotten."
"Lord Blackthorn never forgets the guests he invites to the estate. He is with his wife now but it won't be long before he comes to you. Can I get you something to eat or drink while you wait?" Harold asked.
"Some water would be nice," Isaac said only to send Harold away.
Xavier's butler perfectly matched him since Isaac always felt on edge around Harold.
"You may wait in the drawing room and when he is ready, you will be taken up to his study. I will not be long with the water," Harold said, leaving to get the water himself.
"Thank you," Isaac replied.