- Characteristics: Ground-dwelling, sturdy, and lightly armored.
- Examples: Armored wolves, and lion breeds.
- Abilities: Enhanced strength, durability, and basic earth-manipulation abilities.
Rank 2
- Characteristics: Highly armored, powerful, and majestic.
- Examples: Giant apes rhino-like creatures, and powerful, ancient mammal-like creatures all led by the lion clan.
- Abilities: Advanced earth-manipulation abilities, seismic sense, and enhanced strength.
This rankers posses some powers of the other tribes being the leading and strongest tribe.
- Characteristics: Air-dwelling, agile, and mostly feathered.
- Examples: Young griffin-like creatures, winged horses and giant eagles and huge birds
- Abilities: Enhanced speed, agility, and basic aeromancy abilities.
- *Rank two:
- Characteristics: Highly agile, powerful, and majestic.
- Examples: Mature griffin-like creatures, giant phoenixes, and powerful, ancient harpies.
All led by the phoenix clan.
- Abilities: Advanced aeromancy abilities, wind and fire manipulation, and enhanced speed.
- *Rank one:
- Characteristics: Water-dwelling, adaptable, and lightly scaled.
- Examples: Young merfolk, giant squids, and dragon-like sea serpents.
- Abilities: Enhanced swimming speed, camouflage, and basic hydromancy abilities.
- *Rank two:*
- Characteristics: Highly adaptable, powerful, and majestic.
- Examples: Mature merfolk, giant octopuses, and powerful, ancient sea dragons.
- Abilities: Advanced hydromancy abilities, water manipulation, and enhanced swimming speed.
- Characteristics:
Shadow-dwelling, mysterious, and lightly darkened.
- Examples: Young shadow wolves, ghostly stags.
- Abilities: Enhanced stealth, basic shadow manipulation, and darkness-based abilities.
- *Stage two :
- Characteristics: Highly mysterious, powerful, and majestic.
- Examples: Mature shadow wolves, powerful, ancient vampires, and ghostly, dragon-like creatures.
- Abilities: Advanced shadow manipulation, darkness-based abilities, and enhanced stealth.
*Dragon Breed:*
As a rare and godlike ability the dragon breed possesses abilities that surpass those of the other tribes and are highly rare.
However, only the most powerful individuals can wield these abilities. In Kael's case, his dragon heritage is a blessing that grants him unique abilities.