Junior's heart sank as he read the list. He had been hoping for something different, something that would give him an edge. But instead, all the important skills were locked. "Why are all of her skills locked except one?" he groaned, slumping back against the bed. "So right now my chances of getting the skill I want have dropped drastically." He felt a wave of frustration wash over him. "No wonder the system gave me that 30% notification. This is literally what we call scamming."
Junior let out a dramatic sigh, his frustration etched deeply on his face. "This is terrible. All my luck's just gone down the drain," he lamented, slumping onto the edge of his bed.
Just as he was about to drown in his thoughts, the glowing system prompt reappeared before him, its sudden appearance grabbing his full attention:
[<••> Are you going to spin for the random skills you want?]