A letter soon arrived at all of the Transmigrator VIP members. They read and pictured the adventures of each other's identities. Zhou smiled at the heart warming moment in the village near Sumeru. Perhaps the only one going bonkers was the curly haired baboon.
"What is it Dad?" Bernadette watched with curiosity as her father resembled a monkey bouncing around it's cage and shaking the bars angrily.
"This guy doesn't even know what he's done! URGH!" Huang Tao sighed before shaking his head, "Whatever happens, happens. He can fix it."
Bernadette returned to work as her clientele had grown due to her prowess.
Caelus did not know as he was not bothered to know, that in the Emperor's words, he had effectively started Khaenri'ah. His "magic" cause the girl to search for the same miracle, leading to her answer, alchemy.
However that didn't concern him, he was still playing around in this identity and it was fun. Really the only thing that changed was his clothing. As for housing and travel expenses? That was covered by his dear Dwayne Dantes.
After making his way, he soon arrived in Liyue and was immediately stopped at the entrance to the city. He wasn't stopped by any ordinary guard, all five Yaksha stood in front of him with weapons held at his neck.
Caelus gave a shy smile "Hello, esteemed Yaksha. Did you require anything of the me?" The Yaksha finally spoke and put their weapons down. "Follow us wandering magician."
Caelus entered the new Liyue as he marveled at an ingame scene brought to life. It was the early stages of Liyue but still the resemblance could be seen in the future images. Soon he was face to face with an old face.
"Merlin greets the esteemed Emperor Morax." He bowed and tipped his hat. Morax's eye twitched as he tried to make sense that this was an eldritch god. The face was the exact same as what he had seen before in the Divination Commission. Of course he himself did not figure this out but rather from the clues that Haagentus had left in the house, etched in the memories of rock dust.
However, for a eldritch god to play a miracle invoking magician, Morax wouldn't pass the opportunity to make use of the offer to grant wishes. Because even he himself could not do anything regarding karma of the gods.
"I heard you could grant wishes." Morax kept the identity of the magician under wraps as he asked.
"You heard right esteemed Morax." The over-politeness was almost uncomfortable for Morax, it was as if he was faced with a god of swindlers. The Yaksha immediately raised their voices to speak for Morax. "What can you do that Lord Morax can not, magician?" Morax narrowed his eyes while Caelus almost burst out laughing at the level of glazing. His clown abilities kept his face calm.
If one wishes to learn the art of glazing, look no further than the Great Arrodes. Someone insults the great master? Smite them with lightning. Why argue over who's right or wrong? Just smite. Great Master says something? "Amazing Great Master, such cunning and intelligence!"
Someone wishes to plot against the Great Master? Strike lightning bolt after lightning bolt.
Morax sighed "I am not omnipotent, I can not do everything. Do not think of me as all knowing and all powerful, that is dangerous thinking. The karma that has accumulated on you is already becoming dangerous."
The Yaksha immediately retorted "But Emperor, that is why we moved away, to protect the residents from being contaminated." Morax glared "At the cost of your sanity being slowly eroded away."
"Wandering Magician Merlin, I wish for you to cleanse the karma from the Yaksha." Caelus smiled "That's no problem at all." He waved his wand and stole the karma before grafting it to a random item and tossing it away into the cosmos.
"If there's nothing else, I'll get going for now."
Morax stopped him, "One more thing Merlin, I've heard your eyes can see the future..."
"Never mind."
Merlin nodded and soon made his way to Inazuma. The wandering magician had made a name for himself and this was the last stop. He chuckled as he thought about the Cryo Archon who acted like a child in front of him. The amazement with his magic tricks brought life to her eyes.
The boat stopped as he made his way to the entrance of the old Inazuma. Soon people started noticing him, "It's the wandering magician!" In an instant he vanished to the crowds actively searching for him. He did grant wishes, but granting them wily nilly was annoying. Only those who had a chance encounter would have their wishes granted.
Soon he made his way and sat down under a tree to take a nap. Perhaps after a while, he noticed that something had made his way onto his lap. A pink fox was also sleeping soundly under the tree.
His stirring awake had awakened the pink fox as well. "Hello there little one. I'm Merlin, a wandering magician who grants wishes. Do you have any wishes you want granted?"
The pink fox looked at him strangely before nodding. Though talking in human tongue was still tough she did her best and was surprised the man understood. What Caelus was understanding was the soul.
"You want fried tofu little one?" The pink fox nodded furiously as he questioned again "Are you sure you want to use your wish on tofu?" The fox nodded once again without even thinking what a wish could potentially be.
Caelus chuckled "What's your name little one?" The fox did her best to communicate and he heard, "Nice to meet you Yae." He snapped his fingers as a giant plate filled with tofu appeared out of thin air. The fox jumped in fright before pouncing on the plate.
Secretly she had long labeled the wandering magician as a good person. The magician soon disappeared but from the stories she had heard, he was a good person. He would walk around and journey the lands granting wishes to those in need or to those who had chance encounters.
One rule of thumb was that if you actively searched for him to grant a wish, he would never appear.
A trait that was teasing for humans yet easy for her. She had long had her wish granted, fried tofu. She was just eager to see how the magician lived and what he did. Foxes were cunning and had the curiosity to back it up.
Her little fox paws trotted all around Inazuma only to find him on the highest peak staring at the sunset with a lost look in his eyes. Caelus soon noticed the pink fox once again "Oh hello Yae. I didn't expect you to find me again so soon." The pink fox trotted before settling onto his lap as the sun warmed her fur for the few last moments before the sunset.
Caelus smiled "I suppose I want to see this view a bit longer." Yae turned her head around as she watched the magician snap his fingers. Nothing seemed to happen, at least until Yae noticed her world view shatter.
The birds were frozen in place. The clouds had stopped moving. The dewdrops suspended in mid air. This magician was no ordinary magician, he had done something even gods could not do so easily. He had stopped time.
Obviously it was an isolated temporal halting, his friends would notice if he suspended time around the whole world. Yae spent a bit more time basking in the sunset as time was suspended for a while. However, soon all good things must end as time resumed it's natural order and the sun departed from the world.
A soft voice appeared behind them, "So this is were you were hiding Yae. Seems like you've found the wandering magician." Caelus turned around to see a kitsune with white hair and fluffy fox ears.
"Hello Miss, I assume that you are the caretaker of this pink fox?" The lady nodded "I am Kitsune Saiguu and indeed I am the caretaker of this young one. She is unusually docile in your hands."
The pink fox gave her a glare as it hopped off his lap and made her way to Saiguu's side. "You must be the wandering magician Merlin, the one who grants miracles and wishes." Caelus tipped his hat jokingly "That's me~"
Saiguu seemed to have a scheming look as she asked "How about joining me at the palace for a cup of tea? I'd love to hear about your travels and what they're about."
Saiguu watched as Merlin chuckled, "Very well, I'll tell you a story instead."
"A story about someone who mimicked others until he was mimicked by others. A story about someone who searched for the meaning of humanity. A story of madness..."
Merlin waved his hand as the scenery around them changed to a palace as he placed his finger against his lips.
"And a story of secrecy and mysteries."