//Boulder Town, Food Stall//
Stelle and the others soon found Amon partaking in the delicacies of the underworld. Amon chuckled as he assured he would catch up with them. "I'll catch up with the group later. Trust me and go on. Who knows? I might get there before you."
Dan Hen nodded while Stelle beamed at him before racing and running as fast as she could to see if she could win against Amon. March 7th simply sighed with a deadpan expression. "Why do I feel like I'm the only normal one here?"
Dan Heng's calm facade broke as he stared incredulously at March 7th. Dan Heng could only sigh and lampoon inwardly, "March 7th, the most normal one? I suppose that's what makes her so unique. Such lack of self-awareness."
They hurriedly chased after Stelle as Seele joined them as Amon stared at Bronya. "Miss Bronya, do you perhaps have anything to ask of me?" Bronya stood in silence as she spoke with honesty "I don't trust you at all. Despite being with a Nameless also, I don't trust you one bit. Every time something happens, you're dead calm with a smile that never leaves your face."
Amon chuckled "I never thought that my face and calm would be to blame for a lack of trust. However, I appreciate the straightforwardness." Bronya stood firm before the next words brought a blossoming grin on Amon's face.
"It all feels like we are dancing on the palm of your hand. However, you always seem to have the answers of everything. So tell me..." Bronya looked at him earnestly.
"Can my mother be persuaded? Or will the worst come to be."
Amon's gleeful smile brought chills to Bronya as he motioned for her to walk with him. "Come take a walk with me. I can't let Stelle win even if it's for such pointless things."
Bronya walked side by side as Amon finally answered "I'm happy and glad, If there's one thing I hate and love. It's people who can't think for themselves. I hate them because they resemble puppets." Bronya felt like that line was directed at her as Amon snapped his fingers causing a plain looking door to appear out of thin air.
Amon motioned for her to walk through as they found themselves at the robot settlement.
//Robot Settlement//
"I love them because they are so easy to fool and direct. Most people require a few roundabout ways to manipulate them. Puppets are easy to manipulate with less stress and thinking."
Bronya watched as Amon's eyes settled on her. "So, Miss Bronya... Take a gander, which are you? An idiot who ignores her own thoughts? Or a puppet? Which one are you?"
Bronya stuttered as Amon clasped his hands with a big clap. "Dear Stelle, It took you quite a while. My knees were getting sore from waiting." Amon's joyful expression basked in Stelle's failure as she collapsed to her knees.
"Master can not be defeated."
With speed baffling even Amon she grasped his shoulders "Please teach me your ways." Amon chuckled as he pried her hands of his shoulders. "Perhaps we should see Svarog first. Maybe I'll find something for you afterwards." Amon pacified Stelle as the group dispersed to search for information.
Stelle, Bronya and Dan Heng spread out leaving March 7th clueless. The group eventually came to the realisation that they needed passes. March 7th was the unfortunate sacrifice as the fixed robots and puzzle pieces Amon had set up slapped her with the stamps that left marks on her skin.
Amon received a signal as his disguised avatar had disabled the heat generator for the settlement resulting in Clara having to step in. Amon sighed before stepping back temporarily to let Stelle and the others make contact with Clara.
As for him? For the first time in a long time. Amon's smile was genuine and kind.
"-Lord of Mysteries, please I beg for your help."
"It hurts. *@^%$@"
In the sea of grey fog within Sefirah Castle, was the sole shining red star. The first red star that had called out for help. The first to trust and ask for his help.
Amon would protect this red star at all costs. He snapped his fingers as he soon appeared in Sefirah Castle looking upon his star.
He left a message for the express "I will not be present for a while. Set forth and traiblaze your own path without me."
//Svarog's Residence//
Amon soon returned to see that they had bested Svarog. Clara's desperate plead had reached Svarog's mechanical heart. Amon was definitely surprised to see that Natasha had the fight and determination in her.
For her to be so ready to dismantle a child's family was wild. Amon shrugged thinking that in all his time, he had done some fucked up shit. But he never crossed the line of cruelty. At least in his opinion.
Everything was subject to subjectivity.
March 7th stared at him before jumping in fright. "Who are you and what have you done with Amon?" Dan Heng paled and Stelle readied her bat. Amon immediately raised in surrender "What did I do?"
March 7th was about to speak but Bronya beat her to it, "You smiled and you look happy." March 7th stuttered "Yeah, but now that you say it out aloud it seems a bit sad."
Amon tilted his head with his hat miraculously staying put. "I usually smile, I don't see the problem."
Dan Heng sighed "I think, and don't take it too seriously. But your usual smiles never quite feel right as if they're fake, either to hide or to keep something from us. But this time, you seem genuinely happy which is unusual for you."
Amon chuckled "I suppose you are right. I'm sincerely happy as for the first time in a long time. Someone believed in me other than myself and asked for my help." March 7th smiled sheepishly "That's great. It seems like you finally got your mojo back." She exclaimed.
Svarog eventually stood up after some rudimentary repairs and asked, "I have finished gathering data related to the stellaron. Do you wish to proceed outsiders?"
Bronya looked at Amon with gratitude as she understood that this was fate's guiding hand at play.
"Play the records. I refuse to be a puppet anymore."
Amon grinned as she made the best decision for herself and others otherwise he would have to make some... adjustments to his plans.
[Playing transmission]
Bronya stumbled a bit at the shock. Stelle gently exclaimed, "They were finding a way to destroy the stellaron." Dan Heng's suspicion grew, "But why would Cocolia have such adverse reaction to the mention of a stellaron for her to try frame us in every way possible?"
Seele gazed at the furnace core realising that the connection had finally been re-established. Natasha and the others slowly returned to the clinic to get some rest before heading back up to confront Cocolia.
Stelle eventually stopped the group. "I've been having nightmares and dreams with a voice whispering to me. A voice that sounded like the same one that I heard with Cocolia."
Amon nodded "Yes such things could happen with resonance via the spirit world. Especially considering the spirit world is an amalgamation of information and when two objects similarly resonate, a link is formed." March 7th looked shocked as she exclaimed with her hands covering her mouth, "I almost forgot you were Madam Herta's assistant."
Amon raised an eyebrow as she looked away with guilt. "Did you imply I look dumber than I am?"
Everyone soon returned to the hotel to take a rest before setting out the next day. Amon waited and waited in the shadows as Bronya soon exited the hotel. "Miss Bronya, I respect your choice and won't stop you. But please take this as a good luck amulet."
Amon tossed her a rusty looking key. "Despite looking shabby and rusty. That key is a treasure that can open up many possibilities. Just trust in it and move forward. We'll come after you."
"I believe that you are more than ready to become the next supreme guardian."
"Good luck."