Okay, at the encyclopedia's introduction, there was a misleading information of Power System Volume, it doesn't just contain Unique Energies, but also other type of Power Systems.
Each Power System has its own hierarchy and stages. Comparing any of the Power System with another comprehensively will not work, as they have their own uses.
Now, these are the chapters (pages) of the Power System Volume.
Chapter: Stage of Core
This chapter explain the main power system used by Darkness Race, Stage of Core.
Chapters: Unique Energies
These chapters explain most of the unique energies with their common traits.
Chapter: Title
This chapter explain the titles hierarchy either granted by World or known by creatures.
Chapter: Authority
This chapter explain the authority granted by Universe or higher.
Chapter: Progression of Law
This chapter explain the Law from World's Law, Origin, to Noll Nomological Axiom, to glimpses of Concept.