| |<3x Gale Wolf Pelts | 4x Gale Wolf Claws | 141 Ghost Wood | 61 Stone | 1 Accommodating Skill Shard | 1 Gravity Core Token>| Alongside the system panels, a small rift in space opened. It was barely larger than Alchemy's hand, allowing her to put things in and take things out of the storage. Placing the first token she received into the storage, Alchemy took out the [Accommodating Skill Shard] and admired it. It was a small, shiny stone with a green glyph that gave off a dim glow. "Now, this is the item of the hour. If I recall, the way to use these should be…" She spoke to herself, tossing the stone continuously while her thoughts trailed. Until she crushed the runic stone the moment it landed in her palm, causing a pop-up from her beloved system. | | | Eyeing the two options, Alchemy already knew which she was picking. "I'm not getting a cleaning skill from the Domestic skill selector again." She lamented as a painful memory resurfaced. | | | | | "Hmm… Defensive probably isn't too bad." Alchemy hummed, looking at her units and Sapphire. "Offense is definitely not needed right now. If I managed to get a self-recovery skill, I'd have a lot more leeway when I inevitably do something stupid again…" Seeing as none of her Thornskirmishers were close enough to hear her brazen words, she chuckled pitifully at herself. As far as she was concerned, most of these options had the same issue. The reason [Accommodating Skill Shards] was so good was because getting specifically catered skills was difficult at the best of times, which immediately cut off any Domestic abilities it might give her right now. If she got a Domestic Skill like [Business Acumen] or [Apprentice Blacksmith], it'd be useful in the long run, sure, but until her civilization is a higher tier, those are completely useless. Offense faced much the same problem, and thanks to her Divine Power, she could heal others, so any skill that isn't related to self-recovery would be effectively useless to her. "Which leaves Defense or Util, huh? It's times like this when I wish I remembered all the possible drops from each category. Should I have become a theory crafter instead of actually being good at the game?" "Sapphire, what do you think?" Sapphire, who was resting by Alchemy's feet, constantly keeping an eye on those dangerous bugs, had not the slightest clue what Alchemy was asking and simply let out a grunt of acknowledge. "I agree." Alchemy nodded, sharing in Sapphire's cluelessness. Ultimately, Alchemy decided that between these two, it didn't matter. Both had the best possible skills for her right now, so she closed her eyes and left it up to fate to choose which one she chose. | | "[Supplication…] That skill definitely sounds familiar." Alchemy mused, narrowing her eyes, vaguely recalling that this skill was gimmicky in some way. "Status." = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | = | | | | | | | | | | | | | | = Even before looking at her skills, Alchemy was quite happy with her status. She had no reference to tell if level 7 in 2 days was good, but it definitely felt good considering the limited encounters she's had thus far. Even if she already has considerably less Divine Power than she'd like. With that said, she looked at [Miracle Generation] first. After her near misfire of her Divine Power and the system suddenly taking it from her to give her new subordinate an [Epic] or whatever it is, she really needed to make sure there weren't any new stipulations she needed to be wary of. | | | | | | | = "Doesn't seem to have anything weird… Thankfully. Now then, [Supplication], what do you offer me?" | | | | | = Upon seeing the skill description, Alchemy couldn't help but laugh hysterically, startling Sapphire. "Oh…" She couldn't stop laughing between her words, "I'm sorry. Ignore me." Not only was it a [Growth Skill] that could gain new effects as it leveled up instead of the current ones only getting stronger, but it was also strong—really strong, as gimmicky as it was. But it also entailed her taking nearly all possible damage around her. "So… If I were to lose 90% of my hp within that 10 seconds, hypothetically speaking. Every unit I have with me will get a 90% buff? Am I understanding this right?" She asked herself. The effect was simply ludicrous. She didn't know the numbers from every skill in A.O.A, but there's no way a skill this strong wasn't in the immediate top meta. 'Maybe it got buffed in this world? Compensation for you, do you need to put your life on the line to use it, perhaps?' And just as she talked about not planning to do anything suicidal an hour ago. 'Oh, the Thorns are going to HATE ME when they learn I have this skill.' She continued to chuckle evilly. She wasn't planning on using this skill any time soon. She needed more units before the effect was worth it, but she's also a perfectionist who nearly killed herself to save some expendable units. What she does with this power, or instead when she's going to do something with it, is anyone's guess.