'What just happened?'
Kieran's eye flashed seeing Liam who haf been brought to his knees in the last moment getting back up.
He snuck a glance at Sabrina, buy there was no visible emotion or change of expression at all.
'Is that how I am?'
The thought flashed across his mind and he almost raised his eyebrows. It was quite weird to see her light that, it felt like he was staring into a mirror. It was in way a pleasant feeling.
Kieran withdrew his gaze and focused back on the holographic projection.
Two fights had ended so far, but tye remaining three were still going on and Derrick was in one of those fights, currently rolling on the floor to dodge a few few spiked weapons that had been thrown at him.
His option wasn't someone that Kieran recognized, and that was understandable. The rankings were very unstable during this period.