Ren had begun to glow, but it wasn't the normal glow of a tamer. The lines of light coursing through his body seemed to respond to the Qilin's pressure, as if something inside him recognized the power.
And then it appeared.
The tiny mushroom manifested atop Ren's head, its large eyes observing Victor with what seemed like... hunger?
The expression was so unexpected on its chubby, childlike face that for a moment no one quite knew how to react.
The adults froze in place. The creature was absurd with its round cheeks and tiny arms, but there was something about it that didn't match any known beast. A quality that defied classification.
The spore evolution they knew was different, much larger and thinner. This was something else entirely.
But then something even stranger occurred.
The energy flooding the room began to swirl, as if drawn to an invisible point. The lines of light in Ren's body pulsed with ancient power.