As luck would have it, when I thought that we were going to starve that night, a ray of light shined upon us. We received unexpected guests from the city. They were Wile Stone and Jayn Stone, our uncle and aunt. Jayn was Lilicias, ou mothers sister by blood. She had her looks to boot, fair skin and brownish blonde hair as well as a feminine figure. However, it could hardly be said that they looked alike in this moment, Lilicia had become thinner from hunger, but Jayn despite having a slender build was a bit fleshier and her skin glistened.
"My Lily are you eating well, you look a bit pale."
Jayn also had a loose tounge, what with her not knowing what to say and what not to say and all. Mother was obviously offended, but se replied her sister with a forced smile and an expression that expressed inferiority.
"Well its not as bad as it looks, ive just not had much of an appetite these days."
Jayn was the younger of the two sisters, but her being married to a knight and living in the city made her develop a superiority complex if you could even call it that. In fact, at that moment she sat in fathers chair at the head of the table. It was the best chair in the house, made from dark oak. It was sturdy too.
This prompted Ricky to sit on a stool, something that was carved out of a stub, so it wasn't exactly a stool. Besides her, where mother usually sat was her husband and our uncle Wile who sat drinking a large mug of pale orange colored mead. He was a huge man, and he struck quite the presence. His voice was loud too, often interrupting father whenever he was about to say something. He had golden blonde hair and his great swrd rested on the wall behing him in its sheath. Acre and Ash were busy admiring its presence and stroking the leather albeit hesitantly.
Opposite him was their daughter and our cousin, Romilla. She had her fathers golden blonde hair and she was a pretty little thing of just eight years of age. I suppose she could thank her beauty to her mother, but I guessed some of it was from the fathers side. Don't get me wrong, Lilicia and Jayn were beautiful women, but that was according to smallfolk standards. When it came to the highborn and the merchants it was a different story.
"Seems Rick here aint feeding you well. If you didn't have children I might have considered taking you in as my second wife."
Joked Wile as he patted, or more like hit, father with his large hands. Father smiled back, but what could he do? he had just been undermined and was still being undermined in his own home but because the people of the kingdom had a thing about visitors he could only laugh it off.
And those visitors had brought food and wine too. Yes, that night we had a feast in honor of our visitors. There was hog meat, duck meat, grapes apples and even veggies. There was also grape cider and Wine for the adults. As for our 3 visitors, they smelt pleasant.
Their skin was oiled and their clothes were clean and maybe not expensive, but I knew none of my parents could afford that cloth. Their oils and perfumes made the air in the room smell fancy. Supper was over now and the adults were now discussing adult topics, with uncomfortable topics like if Lily was getting bedroom action or when they were expecting another child, and how they shouldn't have another child because there was a potion that could help with that and they couldn't afford another child in the drought.
It was all about Jain and Wile talking about city life and how they own a stable and the likes with the occasional belittling of Rick by Wile. Jain also did not waste any time telling Lily about how fortunate she was and she seemed to like to remind her of that. In short, I had received my fill of food and I had no reason to stick around so I got off the table and walked out of the house to get some air.