Chereads / Immortal Pervert's Return / Chapter 2 - Getting Detained

Chapter 2 - Getting Detained

"Your officers?" Fang Chen looked around, trying to figure out who she was referring to and then he remembered.

A few seconds ago, he'd sent a few people flying in all directions. "Oh, those weaklings? I meant no harm." Fang Chen continued while half raising his hands to prove his innocence.

"What do you mean by saying you meant no harm after all you've just done? You lying criminal!"


As Lieutenant Xiaomei chided, she slowly pulled out her sword from its sheath, pointing the tip at Fang Chen's face.

"Hey, I can't lie to a beauty such as yourself, neither am I a criminal. I mean, I haven't stolen your heart yet, have I?" A flirty smirk had found its way onto Fang Chen's face as she stared at her, his eyes ogling her ample bosoms.

Anger began to bubble within her as Lieutenant Xiaomei noticed his stare. This fellow refused to take her seriously even after witnessing the respect accorded to her by the citizens.

Wrapping both her hands on the hilt of her sword and drawing it closer to her chest, she squinted her eyes, coldly stating at Fang Chen.

"I'd suggest you stop with the provocative remarks. You've caused enough trouble already. You're going to turn yourself in and come with me to the station." She coldly warned, taking a firm stance as though ready to attack at any given moment.

"Any wrong move will be seen as an act of retaliation and I'll have to forcefully bring you back to the station with me even if I have to drag you back unconscious." Lieutenant Xiaomei's eyes shone with a sharp glint.

A calm wind blew past the streets which were now almost empty as everyone hurried away from the vicinity to safety. They could sense a storm brewing.

Fang Chen noticed the change in her demeanor and sighed. "You know what?" He rubbed his chin, thinking of a solution to the situation he'd found himself.

"Ah, let's just forget about all that happened between us and start over. Your officers were simply blown away by my charms but I am certain none of them ended up hurt," Fang Chen brought up his suggestion with a smile.

"Rather than head back to wherever you called that place, how about you and I get to know each other more? Just you and me. In a room... With no clothes." Fang Chen spoke with a blank yet serious expression.

All the embarrassment he should be feeling was been felt by someone else whose face was currently flushed.

"Stop the flirty talks, you bastard!" Lieutenant Xiaome snapped with a reddened face.

She was downright embarrassed by his words. No one dared to confront her or speak to her in such a manner.

Her iciness was known throughout the city and now it was shattered.

She had never met someone so shameless before.

"What? I was only being nice. A beauty such as yourself should be worshipped... in the bedroom." Fang Chen looked at her with a confused expression.

"You call that being nice? Here's what being nice feels like." Her words suddenly felt threatening and the next second, she had simply vanished from Fang Chen's sight.

"Oh, I think I might have hit a sore spot." Fang Chen sighed and moved his head towards the left and then raised his right hand. "Wind strike… Form Two."


Just then, Lieutenant Xiaomei arrived by Fang Chen's right with the blunt part of her sword crashing down with insane speed and power.

However, in front of Fang Chen's palm, a spinning wind blade quickly materialized, transforming into a meter in diameter and acting as a shield in front of Fang Chen. It was so fast that it appeared to be still.


The sword clashed with the wind blade, producing a sound of metal hitting against metal which slightly surprised Lieutenant Xiaomei.

"What's with the sudden aggression?" Fang was even more surprised by the weight behind the attack of Lieutenant Xiaomei.

He received no response from her and was instead met with more furious attacks as her sword descended from the sky like a bolt of lightning.

Each strike proved dangerous although for Fang Chen it wasn't much.

The fight continued with no side gaining the advantage over the other. Lieutenant Xiaomei did her best to wear Fang Chen's defense out but his wind blade remained steadfast, blocking Lieutenant Xiaomei's attack that came from every corner.

While the fight seemed like a stalemate, Fang Chen simply had his eyes fixed on the lieutenant's large bosoms that quaked with each clash, drawing him more to her.

The law of jiggle physics had never been more appealing than this moment.

"You know, we could both settle this with a one-night stand," he hurriedly called out upon feeling the blood rushing to a certain part of his body.


Fang Chen could swear he heard something snap and the lieutenant's next attack was proof he'd heard right.

Holding her sword with both hands, she turned the sword's face forward, now pointing the sharp side at Fang Chen.

"I already warned you to stop! I have a fiancé for f**k's sake!" Her fury surged and her next attack descended upon Fang Chen's spinning wind blade, easily splitting it into two.

At the last second, Fang Chen withdrew his hand to prevent it from getting sliced as well. 'Did I go too far?' Fang Chen asked himself as he watched her new course of action.

Now, she seemed determined to draw his blood. Things were getting out of hand but Fang Chen didn't want to end the talk just yet. "How about this? You come with me but we'll make sure your fiancé ends up with another person."

"Stop talking!" Lieutenant Xiaomei roared and charged at Fang Chen who had retreated a few meters back.

How could someone be so shameless even in the face of death? Just what had she stumbled into?

Fang Chen wouldn't stop talking though. "But…"

"You've messed with my officers, caused damage to my city, and now, spoke with a foul mouth. You deserve severe punishment," Lieutenant Xiaomei was seething in rage.

Her chest rose and fell in anguish. She was like a predator who wouldn't stop chasing a prey until it was captured.

"What kind of punishment would be fitting? Don't threaten me with a good time beautiful," Fang Chen didn't know when to stop talking and kept asking questions.

She grinned wickedly, prepared to inflict major damage; "Soul Piercing Strike!"

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in front of him with her sword lunging toward his chest.

"Wind strike… form three." This time, Fang Chen's chanting was a mental one, and even faster than Lieutenant Xiaomei's incoming attack.

A ball of spiraling wind formed in Fang Chen's left hand and he pushed it forward while swerving to evade her attack.

It was a heavily compressed ball of air that kept absorbing and compressing more air even as it made its way to her chest.

Seeing the horror on her face as the attack made contact with her chest, Fang Chen knew it was excessive. "Crap!" He cried out but it was already too late.

The ball exploded forth but he did his best to disperse most of the power behind it at the last minute.


The explosion sent her flying away with some parts of her robe bearing the full brunt of it. "Curse the jade emperor!" Fang Chen noticed ripped parts of her robe that revealed her bosom and gave chase.

She looked like she was about to crash into the ground.

He blurred, reappearing at the spot Lieutenant Xiaomei was to land.

With his hands stretched forward, he caught her like a princess. "Can we stop here?" Fang Chen asked with a smirk.

At Fang Chen's question, Lieutenant Xiaomei's face turned red. She felt embarrassed after being caught in the arms of an individual she barely knew.

Not to mention, one that was as perverted as this.

Even as he asked his question, his eyes weren't on her face but rather on a part of her body. He was almost drooling.

At that moment, a cool breeze blew past them and she felt a tingling sensation on her chest.

"Hmm, these can definitely be rated as a seven out of ten." He nodded while speaking like an artist inspecting a great art piece.

Lieutenant Xiaomei wanted to ignore his remark but then her eyes traced down towards her chest and now she understood why she'd felt a tingle from the wind.

Her eyes widened the moment she set her gaze upon it. Her large bosom was nearly completely revealed. Its milkiness was exposed to the clear skies.

It was now clear to her what Fang Chen had been making a review about.

With a snap of his fingers, Fang Chen summoned a black exquisite robe and placed it over her.

The moment it touched her, she made her request. "Put me down this instant!"

Nodding without another word, Fang Chen gently brought her down until she was standing in front of him. One of her hands held onto the robe so it wouldn't fall off her bare chest.

With a twist of events, Lieutenant Xiaomei presented handcuffs. "You're under arrest for openly humiliating officers of the law."

Fang Chen sighed as though he'd been expecting this. "This doesn't end unless you get what you want, does it?"

He stared at her and she flinched while taking a step back and holding the robe tighter to her chest.

Even then, she refused to take back her words.

A smirk appeared on Fang Chen's face when he noticed her resolve. "Fine. I'm not under arrest but I will come with you and I won't be needing those." He pointed at the cuffs in Lieutenant Xiaomei's hand.

If he decided to run, she was very much aware that she would be incapable of stopping him. Their fight placed him at a level she couldn't pretend wasn't above hers.

"Come with me."


[ Minutes Later ]

"Why are we walking ?" Fang Chen questioned with a light frown.

"Oh, hello there!" Fang Chen who'd just asked an important question, raised his cuffed hands and waved at the gorgeous lady who had just walked past them, taking her dog for a stroll.

The lady giggled and blushed upon seeing just how good-looking Fang Chen was. She internally thought he was a model in cosplay.

Turning back to the lieutenant, Fang Chen's frown returned. "You haven't answered my question."

"I'm pretty sure you know why." Lieutenant Xiaomei responded with a frown of her own.

You ruined the vehicle that would've taken us back when you threw those cars into the air!"

"If they'd approached more gently, that wouldn't have happened." Fang Chen retorted with a mild chuckle. "You did the same as them but the only reason you're still conscious is because I was captivated by your beauty and…"

Lieutenant Xiaomei turned to see Fang Chen staring at her chest area and frowned. He didn't need to finish his sentence for her to know what he meant.

"Would you please stop such vulgar words and actions?" She asked with a gaze of displeasure.

"I didn't utter any vulgar word though." Fang Chen said with a plain face.

"Why do you dislike being praised for your beauty? Are you perhaps a homosexual?"

"What?! No!" Lieutenant Xiaomei yelled back.

"Don't be shy... It wasn't uncommon back in my day," Fang Chen said with a reminiscent look.

'Back in his day? Is he perhaps some old cultivator with a young look?'

Lady Xiaomei kept stealing glances at Fang Chen who remained by her side as they walked back to the station.

She was well aware that he'd surrendered willingly. If he'd chosen to escape after the attack he'd launched at her, there was not a chance that she would capture him.

In fact, she felt there was only a slim chance of survival for her if Fang Chen hadn't dispersed more than half of the attack's power midway.

She wondered about the true identity of this man. She couldn't place her finger on his cultivation level but his abundance of qi was what alerted the officers in the first place.

The city has inputted systems that warn the authorities once a creature of certain cultivation strength infiltrates.

To protect the citizens, the officers would immediately approach the source since it was always suspected to be powerful beasts or nefarious and evil cultivators.

Yet this man was walking beside her, gently, like a sheep being led to slaughter despite the scene he had caused just moments ago.

"Phew…" Lieutenant Xiaomei sighed, shaking her head before raising it before the building that stood across from them.

Square-shaped and standing at three stories, the station looked intimidating for anyone who was brought in on charges.

"We're here!" Lieutenant Xiaomei grinned as she stood in front of the building.

Without delaying any further, Lieutenant Xiaomei walked in, trusting Fang Chen to follow behind her, which he did without much thought.


Fang Chen remained cuffed by the wrists and placed in a cell at the heart of the station. This cell was a large rectangular construct of iron bars broken down into six smaller units.

Within one of the cells sat Fang Chen as he quietly observed the entire operations being carried out around him.

Officers of the law could be seen, dressed in black uniforms that were a mixture of modern and cultural with varying decorations.

Fang Chen took note of the designs on their left shoulders which was used to identify their ranking.

The office was full of desks and chairs arranged in an orderly form.

He watched in silence as the officers moved about performing their duties. It was fascinating at first but soon it turned boring.

The only source of fun for Fang Chen was the office close to the cell unit he was locked in.

Lieutenant Xiaomei was in there and he watched her through the transparent panel that covered most of the office room.

From time to time, she would walk out of her office to her subordinates' tables to personally speak with them or pass on various information.

Fang Chen remained in his cell room. His eyes were listless every time but once the lieutenant came out, his eyes would brighten.

As they all went about their normal daily routine in the office, Fang Chen kept staring at the lieutenant. "I swear on the Emperor's two jades, you're even more beautiful from behind!"

Without a thought for the others in the station with him and the lieutenant, Fang Chen kept up his flirtatious acts. He didn't care if they heard him or not.

All he was after was that his message got to the lieutenant which was obviously the case. Every time he complimented her flirtatiously, he body would quiver as though she was trying not to explode.

While she was busy trying to gather her thoughts on how to deal with Fang Chen, a figure approached Fang Chen's cell. "Hey! You've been going on and on about what you feel about our lieutenant and I don't think I can take it anymore." With a baton in his hand, a bulky light-skinned male figure walked close to Fang Chen and stroked the baton on the iron bars of the cell.

He charged the baton with qi, making it a thousand times stronger than normal.

"I can't condone such a vulgar act of sexual harassment," The man's voice rose a pitch, drawing the attention of everyone in the station.

Even Lieutenant Xiaomei's attention was drawn toward the sound.

"Oh, I'm sorry I won't be complimenting your looks. I'm only into women," Fang Chen responded with a smirk which further infuriated the burly man.

Something in the man snapped and he dashed toward the entrance of the cell with the keycard in his hand. He wanted to teach this prisoner a lesson.

He swiftly placed the keycard by the cell which caused the gate to open up.

With his baton in his hand, he coldly walked toward Fang Chen. "You need to be taught some manners, pretty boy," Thinking he was older than Fang Chen because of his younger facial features, the officer uttered rough words.

Fang Chen raised an eyebrow with a look of playfulness. "Oh? Teach me manners? I would like to see what a youngster such as yourself has in store for me."

"Still speaking? What a disrespectful boy," the officer swung his baton at Fang Chen in the next instant, causing the air to ripple intensely.

"Wind form… Strike one," Fang Chen muttered while the baton was moving in slow motion towards him.

The moment Lieutenant Xiaomei heard those words, her body went cold.

Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth to warn the officer but her warning came a little late. "Captain Lou! Get away from…"

A split second later, a blast of wind swept across the cell.

It was the same attack he'd used against the officers in the street but with way less strength.

He didn't want to ruin the area after all...


The attack arrived in front of the bulky figure known as Captain Lou and a moment later, he was sent flying across the air.


He crashed into the wall at the other end causing web-like cracks to spread from the point of impact.

Captain Lou blanked out on the spot causing the other officers' jaws to drop.